Below is the challenge results for Friday, May 27, 2005.

Challenge: Choose 1 of the 3 pictures below. Write a poem or short story (in 2000 words or less) about the picture you chose.


Written by: © TitaScorpio

In My Father's Arms

In my father's arms, when I was three,
the world seemed wondrous wide to me.
He held on so tight,
I could barely breathe -
But in my father's arms - I felt so free.
In my father's arms, I felt quite bold,
at only 7 and a half years old.
He'd let me go, but always stayed near -
in my father's arms I knew no fears.
In my daddy's arms,
I walked down the aisle -
The woman had replaced the child.
Gazing upon my new husband's face,
I left behind my father's embrace.

Written by: © Litha Sonner

In My Eyes

In my eyes
My daddy is the best
No one could be better
He's better than the rest

He is my true hero
He plays with me all the time
Shows me lots of attention
My daddy is all mine

He gives me lots of hugs
And tells me that he loves me
He is a much better daddy
Than any other man could be

In my eyes
My daddy is a star
Someone I look up to
And love with all my heart

Written by: © Kanoa

I lay here and I fear
That something scary is near
My bear right here
Brings me cheer
With no fear or tear

His embrace is so sincere
Shadows disappear
And he whispers in my ear
Certainly all is clear
But still I hold him dear
In bed with fright
Something scary in the night
My dog is ready to fight
Like an armored knight
With a ferocious bite

His embrace is so tight
With warm delight
Whispers with excite
Morning is bright
I’m thankful for his invite

Written by: © Kimberly Ann


     The flood had nearly submerged our small town. But the waters had subsided and we were aloud back into see what was left of your homes. As we drove through town we could see the mark the muddy waters had left on the the stores and offices it was note even a foot below the second story windows. There still wasn't any power and large branches were down, some cars had even been turned on their side or all the way over.

     Finally after more than a couple of detours we reached our home. The water mark on the house was almost to the top of the flower boxes we had on each window sill on the second story. We had to slosh our way through the first floor, the basement was still filled to the top stair with the rivers muddy water. I went upstairs to my room the water mark on the upstairs walls was only about 18 inches from the floor. I was ecstatic to see this because I had moved everything either on top of my bed or desk. When I got into my room everything was just as I had left it. I heard a whimpering, I followed the sound and there curled up in a little ball in my window bow was a young boxer pup. He must have washed up to my window box and climbed in. I opened my window and picked the pup up it was a pretty brown and white little boy. He was shivering cold and still wet. I brought him in and sat him on my bed. He walked up to my little snow bear and cuddled up with it. I took the throw I had on the foot of my bed and wrapped it around him making a little nest around his body. He went right to sleep my mom came in I asked if I could keep him. She said only if we can't find his owners.

     After two weeks of searching little Drifter was mine. I knew we'd always be the best of friends.

Written by: © Genta


I can't take it anymore

If I am told that I am not doing the petty things

If I am talked to like I am stupid

If you think you can break me, then you are wrong

I am tired of the uncertainty provided

It's exhausting me to deal with the unprofessionalism

I am tired of the double standards

I am tired of looking out for people who do not look out for me

It is times like this that I want to SCREAM!!!!!

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