Below is the challenge results for Thursday, June 2, 2005.

Challenge: Write a poem or short story (2000 words or less) about yourself! Be honest and pour your heart into it!

Written By: ? Litha Sonner

Who I Am

I am a woman
And proud to be
I have inner strength
And beauty for all to see

I am loving
And I am kind
I am sweet
But not all the time

I am a friend
I am a lover
I am a daughter
I am a mother

Others may not always
Like what they see
But I want you to know
That I am proud to be me

Written By: ? TitaScorpio

Scorpion Sun

Born in a Caribbean Island
under the Scorpion sun,
Puerto Rico was my birth place,
But New York City is my home.
First in the family to graduate college,
though last to go out on my own;
Ten siblings share my bloodline-
But I am the youngest one.
I am 'Auntie' to three generations,
a grandmother who dotes and hugs,
Godmother to twelve dear charges
But mother to only one.
Writer, poet and artist,
Dreamer and protector of dreams-
Lover, friend and Star Trekker,
Tarot and Astrology Queen.
Tagging is my obsession,
Reading is my balm,
Humor is my first best medicine,
But music keeps me calm.
A woman of strength and inner beauty,
With a soul scarred by many ordeals-
I can take it as well as I dish it,
with humility, honor and zeal.
I try to live life to its fullest-
with 'Live and let live' my refrain;
My family and friends are my treasures
but my on-line pals keep me sane.

Written By: ? ~Shels Dreams 2005~

Texas born and bred,
stubborn as the land I came from.
Diminutive size has nothing to do with strength of will.
Weathered storms, bent but not broken,
Rainbow dreams come from turbulent skies.

Written By: ? ~Shels Dreams 2005~

Gentle soul that cherishes beauty,
Fragile looks hide core of steel.
Silver moon and water lover,
nature's passion alive to feel.

Sensitve to friend's emotions,
Care for those before my own,
Breaking walls within myself,
my skills of empathy to hone.

Storms enhance a stubborn spirit,
Peace behind them comes to stay.
Inner wounds need time and mending,
Love will heal and end dismay.

Written By: ? GraveFlower


I'm stuck in my head,
I don't know who I am.
I feel like nothing,
stuck behind my skin.

I feel like screaming,
but no one will hear me.
I'm too lost to know where
I am, too blind to see.

No one seems to care
that I'm rotting away,
I'm a dissapointment to
everyone no matter what
they say.

I am a disaster within myself.
All this time self pity is all
that I have felt.

I want to escape from
whatever this is.
life is this.

What happened to being happy
with who you are?
What happened to being normal?
Now I'm so far.

Written By: ? Sabby E.S.V. 2005

A Poem About Me!

I'm a dreamer
I'm a lover
I'm a wife
And a mother

I love to draw
Or read a good book
I love listening to music
And I love to cook

The Mystical and Supernatural
Will keep me enchanted and Intrigued
My favourite time of year
Is of course, Halloween!

I have a loving husband
Who is my best friend and soul mate
And I believe meeting him
was simply pure fate

But by far, my most precious treasure
Would have to be
My beautiful son Cody
Who has enriched the lives
Of my husband, our families and me.

Written By: ? Kimberly Ann

Me, Myself and I
To my husband I am a wife and lover
To my children I am their mother
To my friends I am a shoulder to lean on
To my gramma I am more of a daughter
To my rest of my family I am an outcast
The shrinks say I am a manic depressive
  compulsive, obsessive disorder and
    a sex addict
I am a survivor of physical and mental abuse
    by my mother.
I am a survivor of sexual incestual abuse
    by my father
I prefer to be surrounded only by my husband
    and our children
I prefer to stay at home
I tend to cling to memories of the past and
    linger in them
I have finally learned to bite my tongue
    instead so saying something mean or hurtful
      when I am in one of my moods
I am very niave and gullable
I'll give anything and everything to a friend in need
I end up being taken advantage of because
    I won't say NO
That's when my hubby steps in and says it for me
I desperately seek approval from others.
I seam to befriend people that will need me I think
that's called codependency
So I have only one true friend my husband.
Thus I would describe myself as absolutely crazy!

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