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![]() Challenge: Write a letter to your younger self. It can be a letter about your future, your past, advice, even a trip down memory lane! I'm writing you at a very hard time in your life. I know exactly what you are going through. I know you feel like you just want to die. But you'll get through this, trust me, I've been there too. I know you didn't want this, and you didn't deserve it either. But God has a plan for you, and he'll help you along the way. I know it seems impossible, that you'll ever survive this time. But God will give you the courage, to leave this behind one day. And even though you may not believe me, one day you will be free. You'll go to college, have a great job, marry a wonderful man, and start a family. This child you have growing inside you, is a gift in disguise. He'll help you through college, and every decision you make. He'll give you motivation, and a reason to survive. Everything you do from this point on, will be fore his sake. So before you think of ending it all. Close your eyes and pray. God will help you through this, I promise, everything will be okay. --Your Friend How young and naive you were then. College was so exciting! Meeting new people...new guys!!! You made so many friends, guys and girls. There were many special guys along the way, but none seemed to notice you as girlfriend material...until he came along. James was his name. Wow!!! What a dork he was!!! How could you have fallen for him?? I know! You thought maybe there wouldn't be any others who could love you or care for you. You never thought you would meet anyone worth while! How wrong you were!!! Remember Bill Custer and the first time you met him? Well, he was worth it. In fact, we have been married for 17 years! Never fear!!! He comes along in a couple of years. Be patient!!! You will have some ups and downs, but that is life! Lean on God and He will carry you through. I promise!!! With love, Holly...much older and much wiser. In the year 2025 technology and power is what makes the world survive concrete castles and high powered cars if you dream of having a simple life you won't find it here among the stars no more going out to the shops buying groceries is a matter of drag and drop meals are made at the press of a key welcome to the future the age of technology. no more schools or playing with toys the children of the future are born super intelligent girls and boys no more mail boxes outside your house just click on your email program with your mouse flowers and pets are now email icons you use this futuristic life isn't one I"d choose! Well, the universe must have gone bonkers if you - my younger self- are actually reading this. In the off chance that this is true, I have a few items of advice for you. I?m going to number them out and then explain them for you. 1. Boys vs. Men - There is a difference. 2. The Remote Control - one can never have too many, but all-in-one is much better. Hide it often. 3. His and Her computers. 4. Make time for YOU. 1. Boys vs. Men - There are two sides to the man you marry. The Man and the Boy. The Man is the caring, loving husband who sometimes helps around the house and always tries to be in control of everything around him. The Boy is the sports/gaming/tv-watching side of said husband. When one of these activities is happening, he does not think he should be held accountable for his actions. Make note to hide all breakables in the room he embodies when engaged in said activities. 2. The Remote Control - while your husband may think he has control of the remote in the house, use discretion when unplugging the TV from the wall or the cable from the cable box. Hide the remote when you need that quiet time or need him out of the house in the fresh air and daylight. 3. His and Her computers - By having separate computers, there?s no fighting over computer time or what programs are on the computer. This is vital to YOUR survival. 4. Make time for YOU - Go see that movie or that concert, take that walk in the park, drive to the beach. Don?t forget the cell phone, but don?t sit at home just because the hubby doesn?t like you doing things alone. If he won?t do them with you, it?s his loss. So that?s my advice to you. It?s things I?ve learned over the past ten years or so that keep me grounded and sane. One more bit of advice for you though. Work hard, but play harder. Love, Tamm (The original version) Hey girlie! I know you're excited about starting high school. I just want to let you know that everything is going to be okay. You make it to go to college and graduate with a degree in Criminal Justice. You do go onto work with at risk children. It has its ups and downs. You will help some while others refuse to change. You work with some great people and crappy backstabbing people. Don't worry about not loving anyone or anyone not loving you. They come and go but you survive. A lesson no one fully explained to you is love should not be physically painful. Never let anyone place their hands on you. Don't get suckered in... the physical scars heal. The mental ones remain but you work through them. You have to let go of the past. Forgive those who hurt you not for their sakes. You forgive them for you. They do not lay awake at nights. Lastly, live life to the fullest! Don't try to change yourself for anyone. Don't try to change anyone. Don't settle for anything or anyone. You can always do bad by yourself. Keep faith in God and hold fast. Life's never easy. Remember to PUSH! Stay positive! Genta Jim will be a blast, 21 and gorgeous! Don't fess up to anything, you just went and hung out at his place. Don't call Billy and turn yourself in for being a fornicator. It'll save you a lot of heartache and it doesn't hurt anyone not telling. Now when you meet David, Jr. Just let me assure you he IS the one you are meant to spend your life with. When he does something, anything that hurts or annoys you, talk to him. Don't be confrontational because if you are he will just shut down and not hear you. They're was a time you almost lost him and it's our fault. We grew up in turmoil, creating it in our marriage just because it feels safe/ comfortable to us doesn't make it right. Make our 1st born sleep in his own bed in his own room. Take away his binkie before he turns 3. Make sure make you make time for David, quality alone time. You don't have to yell to make him listen he actually listens great when you don't yell. Just two more things then I'll sign off. 1.) There is NEVER such a thing as loving him to much! 2.)ALWAYS, ALWAYS be faithful and true no matter how much you are tempted. I hope this helps, Take care of us, Me aka You Do you remember all those great childhood memories? When all you really needed was love, food and shelter? Do you remember all the stories your parents read to you? Do you remember all that fun you had during family time? Do you remember all those family trips? Disneyland? Do you remember when you were scared; your father would hold you close to let you know everything was going to be alright? Do you remember parent-teacher night? Your parents would meet and talk t o your teachers to hear all the wonderful things you had accomplished? Do you remember your mother saying how proud she was of you? Do you remember being in the presence of all those special church and family friends? Do you remember all the food during those big fancy just-for-fun meals? Do you remember helping your mom bake cookies? Do you remember your parents teaching you valuable life skills? Do you remember feeling comfortable speaking to your parents no matter what? Do you remember how they always made you feel special? Do you remember all those heartaches?
Do you remember the moment your daughters were born? You want to ensure that your children grow up experiencing All the hugs, All the love, All the family time, All the excitement, All the proud moments, All the affection, All those times you were there for them, All of the security, All the blessings, All the stories, All the food, All the one-on-ones, All the accomplishments, All the lessons & values, And the importance of faith, family, siblings, and life. You want them to remember because I know you cherish these moments with them. You are doing a great job Still let me reassure you, it?s ok to make mistakes along the way. Nevertheless, I know you are creating great childhood memories for those girls. I have full confidence in you. And if you need me, Signed YOU You are so young now honey, barely 17. You think you know so much now and that you have so much figured out. You have some of the answers, some of the puzzle pieces. But, sweetie, this puzzle is much bigger than I could have ever imagined. You thought the hell you had been through up to now had been enough? that by graduating and running away from your problems, you would be solving your problems, you would escape your inner hell, but you were wrong, very wrong dear. That boy you love loves you not. But you will marry and have three children. You will tell him at age 22 that you feel that your brain ?isn?t wired right?. He will dismiss this and tell you that you?re fine and don?t need a ?shrink?. He will cheat repeatedly, though you won?t know it. And yes, you will cheat once, for which he will never let you forget until the end of the marriage after 9 and a half years. Your heart is broken and your soul nearly shattered dear but you hang on and another man enters your life by unusual circumstances. You are determined to keep your heart locked away but it doesn?t happen.. You end up loving him too. And you remarry. Unfortunately things are not happily ever after even then sweetie? you are almost 30 and your life is a wreck?. Not even CLOSE to where you thought you would be at this age!! What happened you think? What went so disastrously wrong? His 2 children and your 3 are not meshing well and your life is in constant turmoil. The most important thing I can tell you is this? in 1997, you will have a breakdown, be hospitalized and eventually be diagnosed with bipolar disorder. It will be a hellish roller coaster ride from then on, partly of your own making. But don?t fight your destiny dear. That second guy? the one with the two kids and the sad blue eyes? He will make up for the first 27 years of your life. As of October 2005, the two of you are very much in love still after almost 10 years of marriage and despite the age difference. He is older, but I won?t give away by how much. The nightmares of your life, the cruelties, the abuses, will leave scars that no one will ever be able to take away for you. And for that I am sorry. No amount of talking will ever make it go away or make it as if it did not happen. It did happen and it will shape you in ways you cannot even begin to imagine. It will make you harder, more cynical, edgier?Sometimes I miss the naive girl that you are now at 17. She was so innocent, so fresh, so vibrant and alive still, even then! But I am so much stronger now and so much smarter now. And for all the pain and heartache, I have finally gotten what your 17 heart aches for? someone to truly love you as you love them? and for that I thank God every day. Don?t fight your destiny. Kimberly Return to the Writing Challenges Main Page The entire contents of this site is copyrighted. Please do not use it without prior permission from the owner or author. |
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