Below is the challenge results for June 18, 2005.

Challenge: Write a short story or poem about the following subject: Childhood Memories. This does not have to be about your life, or anyone you know. It can be factual or fictional.

Written By: © Litha Sonner

When I was a child
Running wild & free
My life wasn't filled
Will happiness & glee

I tried my hardest
To think of a good memory
But there were none
At least not that I could see

I remember harsh words
And pulling of my hair
Slaps across the face
And the feeling no one cared

I remember being beat
I'd put my hands in the way
I'd end up with bloody knuckles
That would hurt all day

She'd hit my lower back
With a paddle she had made
These are all memories
I wish would just fade

She did say she was sorry
And that was a big step
For years she blamed me
For the memories I kept

I waited so long for her
To admit what she had done
And when she did admit it
The load seemed to be gone

But the memories remain
And they'll never go away
Though I have forgiven her
My memories will stay

Written By: © Tita Scorpio

Summer in New York City

"Piragua! Piragua!"
Summer has begun,
Cherry flavored snowcones
To cool us in the sun.

No porches or balconies,
To shade us from the heat.
We sunbathed on fire escapes,
Two flights above the street.

No fancy pools to swim in;
No wooded glens to roam -
The children from the Lower East Side,
Did not travel far from home.

Sleeping on breezy roof tops,
Splashing in the street,
The fire hydrant sprinkling
Water to beat the heat.

Handball in vacant school yards;
Stickball in the streets -
These are my childhood memories,
The bitter and the sweet.

"Piragua!" sang the old dark man,
As all the children neared -
Cherry flavored snowcones
A memory that endears.

Written By: © Holly Custer

Childhood memories of years gone by,
Some make me happy, some make me cry.

My mother, alone, raised us in love,
With the help of the Heavenly Father above.

She worked so very hard everyday
Driving that school bus to receive her pay.

She managed on the small income she had, somehow.
With God's good grace, we never went without.

A more loving mother you never could find.
And God gave her to me that mother of mine.

Written By: © GraveFlower

-By Herself-

She was all alone in the room with no window.
Crying only to herself, what she was thinking no one knows.
They called her crazy, maybe that is why she is here
Even though she thought different, this was her greatest fear.
She often pushed them away, but never wanted to be this alone.
She will never get out of this place, until they believe her mind is her own.
They don't understand, she didn't cause this just by herself.
They just weren't listening when she called out for help.
All the family that she knew was no longer there.
Not a phone call or a letter, did they really care?
Back in her own room is where she wanted to be.
At least there was a window where she could feel free.

Written By: © T.M. Park

Childhood Memories (poem)

Childhood memories
I?ve had a few
Some good
Some bad
Some fairly new

Big ones
Small ones
Wet ones
Dry ones

Ones full of laughter
Ones full of tears
Ones that last a lifetime
Ones that fade due to fear

Yes, childhood memories
I've had a few
Some worth remembering
Some not worth their due.

Written By: © T.M. Park

Childhood Memories (story)

She sat at the dining table looking over the photo albums of years gone by. She hadn?t ventured into them in recent years as life was just way to busy to reminisce about her younger years. What brought these albums to mind once more? She was looking for her favorite picture of him from their courtship days many years ago. It was the photo of him on prom night as he asked her father for her hand in marriage, shocking her and her mother in the process. That was the moment she knew he was the only man for her and she was the only woman for him.

It was hard to believe after nearly forty years of marriage that she was burying him the next morning. She looked up from the albums and out through the window into their backyard as she remembered that moment so vividly, the tears flowing down her cheeks then and now, interrupted by the sound of her youngest son?s voice.

"Mom, are you okay?" he asked as he put a hand on her shoulder. She sighed softly before managing a smile and holding up the photo from that night and said to him, "I?m find, son. Just reminiscing."

© Kimberly Ann

She had made spaghetti
I ate all her bread and butter
She said Grampa's on the road
I asked do we sleep in the living room tonight
She said of coarse
We pulled out the box from under the coach
We played paper dolls an ate ice cream.
She slept on the couch
I slept on the floor
I loved staying at Gramma's

© Genta

Better off forgotten

Shannon sat in the rocking chair and glanced down at Alexis. She was only a month old. He already thought of her as daddy’s little girl. He would be the one that would be there for her. He instantly knew he had to step up. He knew that he more importantly had to grow up. Shannon remembered his childhood. He had a good one no question. He sighed as he thought of the mischievous things he did. He laughed at all the birthdays and vacations he remembered.

Shannon was very excited. He noticed Coryn as she walked into the room. She knew that this was a good thing. Coryn was weary of being a mother. She did not have the best mother. Coryn was not neglected just barely taken care of. She was unsure if she could over come the half up bringing to raise Alexis Breanna. Coryn went to self- help groups. She talked with Shannon. He gave her so much encouragement and faith. She prayed and left all her issues and short comings.

Shannon stood up and motioned for Coryn to sit. He was proud that she was opening up to the idea of breastfeeding. She believed in herself. She had placed her childhood memories behind her. She was going to be there for Alexis. She would be more active than her mother could have ever been. Some childhood memories are better off forgotten.

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