Challenge: Write a Tanka. Definition: A Tanka is an unrhymed Japanese verse form of five lines containing 5, 7, 5, 7, and 7 syllables respectively; also: a poem in this form (it can be continuing thought - all 5 lines can be just one sentence) Family Wade, my dear husband, You are the love of my life. A wonderful man, I'm so proud to be your wife. We'll be together for life. We have three children, A wonderful family. How great it has been, Oh and how great it will be, Our future, our family. My heart is breaking Though he does not understand For me loving him Could place my soul in peril My mind continues to think Sunshine on treetops glistens through my window pane, softly invading the darkness inside my gloom, illuminating my pain. Sorry I'm so sad. I can only be myself. I know I left you. Now the one who is alone. I wish I could tell you this. I saw her standing Beyond the woody pine trees She has perfection Like a rose that blooms at night Fair as gazelles graze Feeding on the lily pods Bright and soft spoken She was always on my mind I hear the whisper Of midnight's cool unkempt air I feel the raindrops Falling on my weak shoulder My eyes searched for her Yet she had fled away now She left me alone Standing in the pouring rain The entire contents of this site is copyrighted. Please do not use it without prior permission from the owner or author. |