Below is the challenge results for July 20, 2005.

Challenge: Write your own spin on the fairy tale "The Little Old Woman Who Lived In The Shoe". You can write it in either in short story or poetry form. You can paint a picture of real life, or the setting could be in the old west, or it could be in the future... however you wish to do it. It can be a tragedy, a love story, a comedy, anything! Just let your imagination run wild!! You do not have to use my ideas. but you can if you want... just remember, to have fun with it!!!

Written By:© Kanoa

There was a young woman
Who lived with the blue?s
She wanted so many children
She didn?t know what to choose

She searched for answers
She searched for miracles
She read every posters
She read every chronicles

Baby or Child Adoption
Or undergo In-Vitro
Must consider very few options
To carry an embryo

She did not give hope
She did not lose sight
She knew she would cope
With all of her might

Written By:© Kimberly Ann

     She had been a nurse in the neonatal unit for 5 years now and she had finally saved enough to buy her house as long as they accepted her offer. She drove past the house everyday to and from work. It spoke to her, it wanted to be an orphanage full of laughing happy children. She called her real estate agent and told her she was ready and to call her on her cell because she was heading to her bank. She had nearly perfect credit score and should have no problem getting a loan. The money she had saved was to pay her best friends brother's construction company to fix the house up. Seth had been working on the floor plans with her for about six months now. She couldn't wait to get this all started.

     She filled all the paperwork out except the amount. The loan manager took her papers to the back of the bank to go through it all and see if they would allow the loan. She had been sitting in front of his desk for about 15minutes when her cell rang.

     "Dani they excepted your offer." Her agent told her.

     "Great I'm just waiting to sign the loan papers. I'll call you back when I get done here. I really want to sign as soon as possible so I can get the remodeling started."

     I'll call them as soon as you call me back." Sally, her agent, replied and they hung up.

     Mr. Zeekual came back and sat down."Mrs. Nash I'm happy to inform you that your loan was approved for up to $200,000.00. You just need to sign here, here and here and we will be done."

     Aesome! They excepted my bid of $75,500.00. I will fax you the papers as soon as there signed." Dani said signing on the last 3 lines.

     Well heres my card, I'll be here till 5." Mr. Zeekual said standing as Dani stood and shook her hand.

     She spent the next six months Dani spent working, filling out Government papers to open up her orphanage. She was hoping to the financial aid from the government. What little time she had left she spent at the house. Making decisions and changes. With each hour spent with Seth the more she realized how amazing he was.

     All the papers came back approved an with a check. She put an ad in the paper to hire a small staff to start with. The day finally came and Dani held a Grand Social Event, soliciting donations and introducing herself to important people. She never knew when the right contacts would come in handy. The night was a huge success raising well over $100,000.00. Now all she needed now was the children. She had even built a special area on the first floor for special need infants and children. She had gone through special training on caring for them.

     She had put the word out that she excepted drop offs with out questions. She started receiving children from other orphanages from other counties that were full to capacity. She also took in Coce babies from her hospital. Several of the doctors there had volunteered their time for one day a piece. She ended up with a doctor at the house 5days a week.

     Dani aggressively sought out families. She held Ice Cream Socials, Carnivals and Monthly Birthdays Parties. All were open to the public. Dani ended up placing a child for everyone she took in. Her house ran smoothly with lots of prayers and love. She always made sure each child knew they were loved. Their children grew, got married and had kids of their own. Dani's grandkids always loved to stay at Gramma's house.

     Over the years her House won multiple awards for their quality of care. Also over the years Seth and Dani fell head over heals in love, got married and had 4 kids of their own. They had a wonderful life full of laughter and love. Children would come and go but inevitably they would always come back to say ' Thank You!'.

Written By:© Litha Sonner

Single Working Mother

The nights are short
And the days are long
In this lonely world
Feeling she doesn't belong

Struggling & trying
To make her way
With a small child
It's hard some days

She prays she'll make it
Just one more night
As she puts her son to bed
And turns out the light

Tomorrow she'll wake
In her bed all alone
Kiss her son goodbye
Then she'll be gone

A long day at work
Hardly even a break
Working long hours
For her son's sake

She prays that one day
He'll understand & know
That she worked so long
Because she loved him so

Written By:© Genta

A modern day twist on the little old woman who lived the a shoe poem
Nora sat and looked out over the backyard. The children laughed because she was more excited than they were. She could not help it. She had dream of this for years. She was tired of living with family and in low income housing. Her children deserved better than that. Despite what their deadbeat father believed. Sean had left after Cara was born. He promised to be back when he was making decent money.
Nora sipped her lemonade and realized that was five years ago. Her friend, Patricia, suggested she try to apply for a Habitat for Humanity house. She was excited when they started building it, Ashton took the most pride about it. He explained to his mommy what each room would be. As Nora heard the babies cry, she remembered when Tylene had stopped by a year ago. She had a boy and a girl, Kathleen and Kylar. She was leaving Scott and wanted to know if they could stay with her. Tylene had the custody papers. She needed a clean start. Tylene promised to send money as soon as she got settled.
Nora walked into the house to check on the twins. She remembers the nights they ate mac-n-cheese and hotdogs. Four months later, Tylene came through and it helped out a lot. Nora then wondered how she would raise Ashton and Kylar to be men. She was scared of how Cara and Kathleen would be without a positive steady male role model. Patricia?s husband, Chris volunteered. But Nora knew that it would change when Patricia had one of their own.
She heard Aston cried out cheerfully. She immediately grabbed the twins and headed downstairs. She was happy to see Wesley as e entered in. He was interesting. He was very intelligent and made Nora wonder what he saw in her. He was remarkable with the children. He was more than extravagant with her. She was more than elated that he had brought dinner with him.
****Later that evening**** Nora smiled as they swayed in the hammock. Wesley was explaining astrology and the formations of the stars in the sky. Nora loved the way he played with her fingers. It was like a game of Chinese checkers. She became alarmed when she felt a cool metal on her ring finger. She glanced down and noticed the dark jewel that sparkled back at her through the moonlight. Wesley kissed her temple and stated simply, ?I think it?s time to turn this little old lady into Cinderella.?

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