Below is the challenge results for August 13, 2005.

Challenge: Write a poem or short story about fear. With a young woman as your main character. A necklace and earrings as the key objects. Set your story in a wooded area.

Written By: © Kimberly Ann

Gayle was jogging down a nature path through the wooded area of the park. Just like every morning before he first class. This morning was different she felt the hair on her neck stand up and she felt a sudden chill. From behind he jumped hr, knocking her down to the ground. She must have hit her head and blacked out because that was the last thing she remembered before waking up bound and gagged in the back of a van.

Gayle was afraid to make a sound or move so she continued to lay still with her eyes shut and listen. She had watch enough cop shows, she would do her best to remember everything. She needed to remember smells. What did the van smell like, what did he smell like? One thing was for certain she was going to fight with every ounce of strength she had. She was scared to death but she wasn't going down easily. She wanted to make sure she scratched and pulled his hair. Hopefully if she didn't make it through this she would be able to give the CSU guys all the DNA she could.

He stopped the van and got out. He looked back and checked on her then he started to pump gas she could hear it running into the tank. She quickly brought her hands down and under her feet bringing them around to the front. She ripped the duck tape off her mouth then her ankles. She went to the front passenger side door unlocked it opened it and ran out screaming for help. He stated to go after her then stopped in his tracks, ran into his van. He sped off ripping the nozzle out of his van, spewing gas out onto the ground.

Gayle was free she had done it and with that last bit of hooraw she sank to the ground. People were gathering around her asking her what she wanted. She told them to please call 911 she had just got free from her abductor. Several of the people whipped out their cells and it seemed like all of them called.

The police, an ambulance, a fire truck and the CSU showed up. The police wanted to get her checked out by the paramedics but she told them she wasn't moving until CSU had collected what evidence they could off of her. So they hurried the CSU team in letting them tape her shirt and pants. They combed through her hair and cut the tape off her wrists. They cleared her and told her to go to the ambulance they needed her clothes.

As she undressed and changed into a gown she realized that her grandmothers earring and necklace were missing. In her little hospital gown she asked the paramedic to get one of the forensic people to get her clothes and also the adjective that had been talking to her earlier. He left and came back with both. Forensics took her clothes then the detective sat on the bed beside her. She want to make sure she told him about the missing jewelry and how very important it was to her. That her grandmother had just past a few months ago and it was all she had of hers. They had been made for her gramma from the design grampa gave to the jeweler. The were his gift to her for their tenth anniversary.

The detective asked her if she could stop by later and describe them to their sketch artist. If there were one of a kind pieces they would be easier to keep a look out for them. She agreed.

Later that next morning she stopped by the police office and found her detective. She handed him photos from the jeweler; from the appraisal of the items. He told her he would circulate the photos to all of the pawn shops and to the surrounding cities police departments. He asked her if she thought she could give them a description and she said most definitely. Having finished everything she went home locked all of her doors and windows. She leaned her grampa's shot gun next to her head bored with the ammo in her night stand drawer. she curled up in the fetal position and covered herself under her blankets. The phone rang at 2am the next morning, it was the detective he said they had caught the guy. He had been trying to pawn her grandmothers jewelry in a neighboring county. He told her with that damming evidence plus all the forensic evidence there was no doubt he would be put away.

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