Below is the challenges for [April 2006].
April 1, 2006
Write a poem or short story using the phrase… “I knew I was doomed….”
Write a poem or short story using the phrase… “A wrinkle in time”
Choose a political issue and write about it
Write a limerick [5 line poem in which lines 1, 2, & 5 have seven to ten syllables. Lines 3 and 4 have five to seven syllables and also rhyme with each other
Write a poem or short story using the phrase… “you were the only one who saw me when I was invisible”
Write a story that contains only 55 words
April 8, 2006
Write a poem or short story using the phrase… “She let a cigarette, blew fire smoke rings, and said Welcome… feel at home and get used to this place, you won’t ever leave
Write a poem or short story about heartbreak
Write a poem or short story about Spring
Write a poem or short story with the title Unspoken Lies
Write a poem or short story using the automatic writing method. The method involves you writing with no second thought to what you are writing ~ no editing ~ no stalling
Write down the first ten to fifteen words that come to your mind. Your first word must inspire the next and so on. After your list is complete, put your words into a poem. One word per line in the same order
April 15, 2006
Write a poem or short story using the following words: paper clips, principal, lunch box, swing, girl with a pink ribbon
Write a poem or short story inspired by the phrase… “love is like a dying ember, and only memories remain”
Write a poem or short story inspired by the phrase… Dance every dance
Write a poem or short story answering the question… “what is the meaning of life?”
Write a poem or short story inspired by the phrase … “It’s easier to run, replacing this pain with something numb.”
Free write
April 22, 2006
Write a poem or short story including this line "The roughed coals languished long after midnight"
Write a poem using the following phrases, "a culture of solitude," "faithful blue sky" and "where we still discover"
Write a short story based on this proverb, "Silence is a great healer"
Write a poem or short story based on the phrase, "I am who I choose to be"
Write a poem with the phrase, "the delicious fragility of this travesty"
Write a short story with the phrase, "where we still laugh and wish"
Free write
April 29, 2006
What is your biggest fault and what are you doing to overcome it?
Write a poem or short story about yourself when you were 8
Write a poem or short story about the most outrageous thing you and your best friend did?
Write a poem or short story based on a blur of ego
Write a poem or short story about fatherhood with a florist as the main character. Set it in a restaurant
Write a poem or short story using the metaphor..."a galaxy of longing"
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