Below is the challenges for October.


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Monthly Challenge
Choose one of the above pictures and

 create a short story (1500 words max) or a poem (50 lines max).

You may submit two entries
Good luck and Happy writing!!!!
October 7th
Write a poem or short story based on the phrase “Loving me is like breathing, how can you stop?”
It’s 3am and your nightly slumber was interrupted by a screeching sound. The noise is coming from your closet. What can it be? Scared as you are, you still decide to take a peek. Describe what you find?
Write a poem or short story with the title, “Just like candy.”
Due to a raven that follows him wherever he goes a young man is convinced something terrible is about to happen
Write a poem or short story based on the title, “Sunlight on the pond”
Write about your most frightening experience
Free write
October 14th
Imagine you wake up one morning with a key clasped tightly in your hand. How did this key come to be in your possession? More important, what does it unlock?
It’s 3am… You hear a bang outside and then the glass breaks. Write the story
You’re inside an elevator and the doors won’t open. What’s worse, you’re Claustrophic. Write the story
Write a story about betrayal, when a lifelong friend turns his/her back on the main character
Write a scary story that could be told around a campfire to children
Write a poem or short story with the title, “White Hot”
Free Write
October 21st
You come home and check your phone messages. You get to your third message and freeze. Begin from there
Write a story parked by “a convey of urgency”
Write about someone you would love to see put in jail
Write about the important things in our life and why?
Write a poem or short story based on the phrase, “Her car door was open, the window down…”
Write a short story or poem with the theme of something broken
Free Write
October 28th
Write a poem or short story with the title, “The Last Time”
Write a poem or short story with the following sentence, “There was no way the screams could be human”
Write a story ending with “The silver dust of moonlight settled coldly on the night”
If you wrote the movie of your life, which actor or actress would play you. Why?
Write about a noise or a silence that won’t go away
Write a poem or short story with the title, "Love to Love"
Free write
Wednesday Sparks
Write a short story with the title, “Until Yesterday”
Write a poem about trick or treating
Write a short story about selfish love
Write a poem with the title, “This thing between us”
Write a short story with the title, “Shadow Sickness”
Write a poem with the title, “Building Pain”
Write a short story with the title, “I find you”
Write a poem with the title, “Dark Alliance”


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