Music Quote of the Week Submissions




8/13/07 "... Behind those eyes you lie ... Behind those eyes you hide ..." -- 3 Doors Down "Behind Those Eyes"


Those eyes

Those onyx eyes

She could never tell how he felt

She could never tell the truth


He said he loved her

But she couldn’t be sure

His eyes held that truth

Away from her daily


Her own soft blues

Hid nothing from him

She sighed softly

Hoping his words

Were never a lie


Marie Kathryn Casalaspro

August 13, 2007


Behind Those Eyes

(August 13, 2007)


“Great, Cookie,” he told her, forcing a grin to his face.


There’s something I can’t see, there’s something different in the way you smile…


It had never been more apparent that he was lying to her.  Not in a nasty, malicious way, not at all.  It was in more of an insecure little boy way.  He was just plain afraid to share his true feelings with her.  And that confused her more than anything else.


She was his wife after all.  His friend, his lover, his rock when he needed her to be.  So why the trouble in telling her how he really felt?


And yet, she could tell by the set of his mouth, and the way he held his head that he was holding something back.  He wasn’t quite certain what to tell her because he couldn’t decipher what it was he thought she wanted to hear.


His smile was strained; he was trying to be the strong one, to put on a brave face but he didn’t realize he didn’t need to.  This wasn’t a life or death situation, the fate of their marriage didn’t hang on his answer.  But…


Behind those eyes you lie, behind those eyes you hide….


But he was afraid of hurting her feelings.  He was terrified of saying or doing the wrong thing.  Of making her angry, or more confused.  She just wanted him to be honest.  To see his blue eyes sparkle with delight and not be dulled with indecision.  Or fear. 


“Really, Cowboy?” she asked, attempting to get the truth from him.


“Yeah, honey, I swear.”  He was still trying to make her happy.  “I can’t believe this is happening is all.”


At last, a grain of truth, although not the whole story.  She watched him look over his shoulder at their son, Rory, and smile a real smile.  He loved that boy more than anything, and that notion filled her with hope.  Blake walked to the playpen and lifted his son out, jiggling him until he giggled.


As you turned to walk away, I saw another look in your eye…


“Blake,” she called.  “Really, truly, what do you think?  Just tell me,” she begged, not wanting him to hide any longer.  “I know you’re not going to run out on me either way, and if you’re scared, you’re scared.  If you’re upset, then we’ll deal with it.  I just want, I need the truth.  Please.”


Blake looked down at Rory and fell into his boy’s blue eyes.  He knew he’d be happy no matter what the outcome may be.  But this?  He shook his head.  She was right; he was afraid.  Looking up, he met her gaze and grimaced, allowing his uncertainty to show for the first time.  “Damn, Ali.  What the hell are we gonna do with twins?” 


She smiled and shrugged.  “I don’t know, but we’ll figure it out, right?”  All he could do was smile back



Behind those eyes you lie,

behind those eyes you hide,

seeing people dying,

and providing their last ride.


For in a land far away,

we lose a soldier everyday

Roadside bombs and IED's

Oh my, can you see


Half way, across the sea,

are those who wait such as me.

wondering if they will ever see

or if a family again, will they ever be


A friend of mine, lost his son

to someone, he was the one

His daughter's face he will not see

or what she will ever be


So I wish these wars would end

and to our loved ones, to home they will send

I can not breathe easy again,

until I feel my husband's skin.



~ Behind those Eyes ~


Behind those eyes, those deep dark eyes,
behind those eyes you lie
Shrouded by the charm with which
you used as your disguise


It started with a simple look
a smile one summer's day
When dancing eyes had mesmerized
and took my breath away


The jaded depth of your allure
as I stepped up to take
Your hand in mine, to feel your kiss
and gentle love we make


The breathless way you moved me
I was lost within your spell
Was this magic an illusion?
somehow I couldn't tell.


Each time I looked into those eyes
there was so much to see
Not just a stolen moment
but the woman you've made me


I never thought there'd come a day
behind those eyes I'd hide
And yet with you I'd found a place
where destinies collide


So clandestine was this affair
I could not even see
That I was not the first or last
the fool you made of me


Behind those eyes, those deep dark eyes
behind those eyes you hide
I loved you and you lied to me
now watch me slowly die....


© Christina aka Stina
15th August, 2007


Behind Your Eyes


We've been friends

For many years

Through happiness, sorrow

Laughter, and tears


Yet you look at me

And tell me these lies

As if I can not see

The truth behind your eyes


I know you too well

So stop hiding your pain

Lean on me my friend

I'll still love you the same


Behind your eyes

I see hurt and despair

Share your pain with me

I love you and I care


Written By Litha Sonner

In August of 2007


When it comes to you


"... Behind those eyes you lie ... Behind those eyes you hide ..."


I never realized I could fall so hard

I never thought I could fall so quickly

You told me you were the good guy

You were the one bunched with the duds


I quickly learned you are no different

You used to benefit

You used to get over

I still find myself falling deeper


I defend you without thought

I long to hear you say my name

You invade my dreams

Filling my spirit with hope


Still I know that dreams and reality

They never mix

I limit myself from you

I wonder if you question


Help me I am second guessing again

My poker face I use

When I think my heart is about to cut loose

Because you smile that smile


I catch the weakness

I notice the vulnerability

I want to know how to help

I want to know how to control


Moments alone

Innocent touches

Secrets smiles

Gentle caresses


I often wonder if

Behind your eyes

You lie


I often debate if

Behind your eyes

You hide


I know I do sometimes

When it comes to you



Behind your truth


I sit and glaze out the window

An admission to confirm my suspicion

Makes me wonder what else I need to know

That behind those green eyes you hide


Boasting you love me

And that I’m the only one for you

Knowing that you keep secrets

Knowingly that you lie


Another section of my heart shatters

Another part of my soul leaves

The flame of passion dies down

My love questions your intent


Behind your eyes

You lie

Behind your truth

You hide

Genta Hughes



8/20/07 "... The court is in session, the verdict is in, no appeal on the docket today, just my own sin ..." -- Creed "My Own Prison"


8/27/07 "... I don't know where I'd be, without you hear with me ..." -- Tim McGraw "My Best Friend"


9/3/07 "... Daddy come home early, you don't have to chase that dollar 'cause your little man has got one here at home ..." -- Jamey Johnson "The Dollar"


9/10/07 "... I was stealing kisses from a boy, now I'm beggin' affection from a man ..." -- Faith Hill "Stealing Kisses"


9/1707 "... She can account for all of the men in her past ... But there is one, she can't put her finger on ... Now each day is one day that's left in her life ... She let a stranger kill her hopes and her dreams ..." -- Reba McEntire "She Thinks His Name Was John"


9/24/07 "... This is my Vietnam, I'm at war, life keeps on dropping bombs and I keep score ..." -- Pink "My Vietnam"


10/1/07 "... I'm saving my breath, I'm saving my tears, I'm saving my life for something better than these years, who's crying now ..." -- Saving Jane "Who's Crying Now"


10/8/07 “…The devil comes and I try to stall and soon my subconscious and conscious might start to fight…” –Fergie “Voodoo doll”


10/15/07 “…It’s not always rainbows and butteries but its compromise that moves us along…” –Maroon 5 “She will be loved