August 2006 Submissions

Monthly Challenges

Because of Love
When the alarm clock is not set
He is there
When the world is trying to steal my joy
He is there
When I don't know how I am going to hold it together
He is there
When I think I am down and alone
He is there
He sends sunshine on cloudy days
He sends birds with new songs
He sends me comfort
He sends rainbows when it seems all it done
It is not because I have been faithful
It is not because I have always obey
It is not because I have always trusted
He's never left me
He's never let me fall
He always kept me
All because of Love

Genta Hughes


~ More Than.... ~
More than a feeling
more than a touch
More than emotion
or being in love
More than a whisper
a breath in the trees
More than the birds
that float on the breeze
More than a haven
on which we depend
For shelter and warmth
or the love of a friend
More than the echo
in a newborn's cry
More than the tears
of joy in the eye
More than the oceans
that cover the seas
More than a presence
of meaning to me -
More than I imagine
the Father, the Son
So much more than a blessing
is Your gift of Love.
© Christina aka Stina
29th August, 2006


His Springtime Creation
the air is light with an aroma of pink
the sky is a soft shade of blue
flowers are blooming in shades of purple
spring colors come alive in every hue
birds are singing melodious tunes
butterflies twittle high and low
bees gather pollen for their precious queen
rose buds turn to blossoms as they grow
springtime colors, sights, and sounds
what a beautiful creations He has made
He gently caresses each with His might hand
from every creature to the smallest grass blade
smiles appear as spring comes around
since it's so beautiful and fresh outside
but we shouldn't forget that the Lord loves us so much
and this was the time He sent His son to die
Denise Carew
The Lord My God
To say his name
Is to utter sweet bliss
More soft and tender
Than even a child's kiss

He is the one
That I adore
The one in my heart
Forever more

He gave his life
For us you see
He died that day
For you and me

I know you know
Of whom I speak
The Lord my God
The one you seek

Just kneel down
And pray to him
And he'll forgive you
Of all your sin

Then teach his word
Till judgment day
When he'll return
To lead the way

Through the pearly gates
Of heaven's door
Where his children shall live
Forever more
Written By: Litha Carver
In January of 1996 ©


Lord, You make my life a song

And fill my soul with music

You bring me peace in

The midst of chaos


Lord you truly bring such light to my life

And make darkness bright

To think of my love for you

I run out of words

For none are truly needed
August 24, 2006


God is the Hope
of eternal peace
from the strife, pain and imperfect
World in which we all live.
God is love and forgiveness,
tolerance and tenderness
that is all but too rare on
this Earth continually spinning out of control
as people worship material comforts;
new cars, new houses, fat bank accounts
comfortable 401-k’s and IRA’s.
Yet Our Lord gave up all worldly possessions
so that we might receive forgiveness,
everlasting Peace, life and love;
Generously requesting little in return
giving us freewill to believe or not
To obey or not.  To spread the Word
ride the fence, to disbelieve;
All that He asked of us was a little Faith,
‘The substance of things not seen.’
I have faith in Him and his Words
but do not conform to dogma.
Having seen the other side, I believe.
When my soul rises from this mortal body
I pray that He pulls it close to His heart for all eternity.
Margaret C. Rigsby


While walking amongst the woods or near the lake I can feel the Spirit in all things. It is everywhere and it is God/Goddess and Mother Earth all in one.
The beauty that nature provides shows me that the Spirit lives everywhere and at all times. When the wind blows ever so softly I can hear the Spirit calling to me.
In my garden the Spirit lives too, It helps me to grow my beautiful flowers, to keep them alive.
The gentle rain that falls is another sign of the Spirit being alive in all things, as it is when there is a gentle snow that softly blankets the earth, bushes and trees.
Whenever I feel down all I have to do is look around at the miracle of life, of newborn babies, puppies and kittens. Watching animals play brings laughter into my laugh, another way the Spirit shows me there is much to be joyous about.


Weekly challenges
White; fluffy
Floating, shading, disappearing
Rain, thunder, lightning, snow
Heating, lighting, appearing
Radiant, yellow
White, black
Barking, scratching, eating
Food, water, love, play
Chasing, playing, hiding
Timid, quiet
Genta Hughes
Where am I?
I feel so weak
Why is this room so hot?
I need to sit down
My head is spinning
I’m so dizzy
Then everything goes away
Are you concerned?
You only care that
I passed out in public
You thought I was joking
I was making excuses…
No way I was exhausted and tired
Your complaint is that I have no right to be
Now you say you care
You don’t want anything bad to happen to me
Why am I sitting all alone
Waiting in an ER
The hours that go by
The idleness breeds craziness
But waiting alone while others have someone
Is enough to make you not want to go on
Genta Hughes 
On the way to the Altar
Genta Hughes
She stood before their family and friends. She could have made that show Bridezillas easily. And why not? It was her wedding. Everything was suppose to be as she wanted it. She allowed Kenny to have a say about the church and the food. Heck, he even got to choose his own groomsmen and their tuxedos.
So why was she now standing at the altar seeing red? Kenny told Jasmine everything or so she thought. There was some hoochie coochie girl stating that they could not get married because she was carrying his baby. Jasmine turned to notice her. The woman who was destined to ruin her wedding day. Jasmine has to think rationally or Kenny and this hooch would have a beat down and a bullet.
Jasmine immediately called for a timeout. She was gaining her composure. She was not going to cry or act foolish. She had seen Maury. Seventy-two hours were all that was needed. Jasmine had a glass of Champagne to calm down. She politely explained to Kenny that he had to handle that. Otherwise she would vacation in Jamaica instead of honeymooning in Bermuda.
Everyone encouraged her to give him the benefit of the doubt. Jasmine exhibited a nonchalant attitude. She had informed everyone not to call her. She would call them. If she did not call within 72 hours, then don’t worry. They would get a post card in about a week.
Kenny was nervous as they all met in the doctor’s office. Sierra was not really concerned. She wanted this. She wanted to see Jasmine suffer. However, Kenny and Sierra were both shocked when Jasmine walked in the room. Jasmine looked and acted as if nothing was wrong or weighing on her mind. Kenny tried to hold her hand but she politely pulled away.
Jasmine had the mindset that she was tuning into the Maury show. She acted as if the last four years of her life was not about to go up in smoke. Jasmine believed that she had her life tied up by a pretty bow. The doctor entered lastly and gave salutations. He glanced around the room to ensure all parties were present then proceeded with the results. Kenny was excited that he was not the father but could not figure out why Jasmine did not want to marry him still. Jasmine politely explained that he never told her about Sierra. Either Sierra was that good or was that easy to forget. She wondered what else he could lie about or already has. So she had to run… she had a plane to catch. Funny how things happen on the way to the altar.
At Last I'm Free
I haven't had many expectations
and I've never asked for much
All that I ever wanted was to be loved
then a miracle happened...his touch
You showed me a love that was real
the kind that is forever
My heart, body and soul are yours
I pray that you'll leave me never
I don't cry anymore and I don't despair
of that I'm sure you'll agree
You've done more than love me..
You've set me free.
by Karen Morris
for my Husband Chris Morris
August 30th, 2006
Biker's Romance

The icy winds whipped Gil's face as he took her in his arms. His numbed hands could not feel her warmth as he slid her off his slick black bike.

The biting cold couldn't stop him from running, as the men had said it would.  The big, ugly men with the scars and cigars told him that if he ran away, they would find him. They would kill him.  When he heard these words, with his hands tied behind his back and his mouth taped shut, he was a bit scared, but he did not show it.

In the bottom of his leather boot was a knife, and he knew that soon the ugly men would sleep, because they had been drinking very heavily. He would wait until they passed out.  He was used to this kind of thing, for he was a member of the BkTigers Bikers, and he knew how the men would act. The time had come when he had enough. They planned on robbing the 1st National Bank.  Oh, he had sat in on the planning, right up to the last minute details, so he knew exactly what they were up to.  But when he had joined the BKTigers Bikers it was because he had loved riding motorcycles. But things were going wrong, obviously, and he had to get out.  But he knew too much, too much to escape now, and he had made the mistake of letting the men know that he wanted out.


"You think you can get out of this club now? You're a part of it, and you will always be.  WE may have to kill you know, because you are a squealer."

It was the tall dark gruff one with scars and tattoos  and a cigar that he waved across the room as he talked.  "We don't work that way," he said as he tied the knots tighter. "But since I like you, and always thought of you as my son, I'm going to let you think it over. Give you another chance."  He poured more whiskey into his glass, "Morning, maybe you'll come to your senses and tell me you'll stay with us. If not.....I have to kill you."


His sentences were already slurred, and his eyes were dropping.  Only a few more minutes, and he will be out, he thought as he felt the knife with his toes at the bottom of his boots.


The snow fell in big fat flakes as he sped away into the country. He had escaped, cut the ropes while the men slept in their drunkenness.


His hands were numb from gripping the handle bars of his bike. He had held onto them like his life depended on it, his knuckles locked in a death grip as he sped away with his woman holding onto him. He spoke to the thin, blonde woman behind him.


"There is shelter over there."


He pointed to an old house behind a clump of trees, just beyond a barbed wire fence. "Iwill make a fire when we get there, it will be warm. His voice was gruff and the long hair on his back was wet with the melted snow. Clarissa had rested her chin on his back as they sped away in the cold. Her warmth melted the snow.

"We'll find shelter before they find us." He told her,

but worry was in his voice. It was in his belly, it was in the air.


So they left for the abandoned house, Gil's arm around Clarissa, the other hand guiding his black motorcycle. The moonlight cast eerie shadows on the road as the walked. Their leather boots crunched in the snow.


Clarissa shivered, her perfect white teeth chattering as she tried to huddle closer to Gil.  She had dreamt of this moment.  She alone with this wild, beautiful man. At last, she too was free, and she licked her red lips as the excitement thrilled her.


Than suddenly, Gil's head snapped around quickly. His lips tightened, his eyes widened.


"Quick! DOWN!" he ordered the young woman. With a fierce plunge, he pushed her to the ground. He crouched as she groaned, his hand on his weapon.


"SHH!!" He ordered, "Don't make a sound." In the distance, he could hear the roar of motorcycles in the cold night. They were closing in on them. They were coming.


There was a  popping, and then another, and another.

"WE know you are there! You can't hide!" Their voices were harsh and cold.


"Roll!" Gil commanded. Clarissa felt her heart go out of her throat. But she swallowed her fear. Then she saw Gil's gun. He pulled it out from beneath his coat. It was shiny and black, and cold.


ROLL.....yea......I gotta roll.......yea


Bam Bam!  Two more shots rang out. Clarissa scudded to the nearby brushes. The cold, frozen snow cut into her face as she fell, making it bleed.


Gil follwered her. She felt his heavy body on top of hers, sinking her deeply into the snow. He was trying to hide her. His arms were in front of him, gripping the gun. He held his breath as the men roared by on their bikes, not seeing them.


She slowly slid her hand down to feel the gun. She winced as she deftly stoked the long barrel. Then, for a second, her hands brushed Gil's. For a second, it was flesh touching flesh. Then Gil withdrew his hand.


"Lesson number one.....Use this, for your life will depend on it!"

and he gave her the gun as he hoped on his bike.


"What have I gotten into?" She thought as she felt the cold hard steel in her hands.  But the excitement of it was thrilling.


"It's your protection."  He pulled her up on his bike, and they sped off for the

abandoned cottage in the thicket ahead.

Gil knew that they would be safe there. But tomorrow, they would have to leave.

Headlights in the Rain


It had been months; too many months if you asked him.  Sadly, no one had bothered.  He missed her and the waiting was killing him.  “Just a few more weeks,” he whispered to himself.  “Just a few more weeks.  Then you can see her again.  C’mon.  It won’t kill ya.”  He sighed.  “The hell it won’t,” he mumbled loudly.  Their prearranged date, set for Valentine’s Day, was much too far in the future for his taste.


He’d last seen her in Nashville in October.  It was now New Year’s Eve.  A dark, rainy New Year’s Eve to boot.  “What a way to start a new year,” he thought sourly.  “Just what I didn’t need tonight.”  The clouds were thick, grey and showed no signs of letting up anytime soon. 


(August 29, 2006)


Blake let the curtains fall back into place and paced the hotel room.  He and his band should’ve been on their way back to Nashville, back home, by now but the nasty weather was keeping them in Vegas for one more night.  “There are worse places to be stuck, I suppose,” he grumbled, unconvinced.  At least his band mates were enjoying themselves.  Someone had to.


Music floated up from his hip suddenly.  Snatching his phone up, he glanced at the display.  Seeing her name appear, he grinned.  “It’s about time, babe.  I’ve been waiting weeks to hear from you!”


“Sorry, Cowboy.  Been out of the country.  Kinda hard to make calls from Peru, ya know.”


“I suppose,” he teased, not wanting to let her off the hook quite yet, “but it’s still no excuse.”


“Jerk,” she teased back.  “So, what’s new with you?”


“Nothin’.  Just stuck here in Vegas for the night.”


Can you get ‘stuck’ in Vegas?” she asked.  “Most people I know would kill for a reason to stay over.”


“Well, if it weren’t for this freak rainstorm, I could be on my way home tonight.  I need to go home.  I want to go home.  This trip has worn me out.”


“Gettin' old there, Cowboy.”


“HEY!  That’s not nice!”


Ali laughed at his outrage.  “Easy boy.”


“It’s hard to be calm when I’m here in the rain and you’re… um, where are you?”




“Home?  Not at your headquarters?”


“Nope.  I’m home for the first time in ages.  Well, actually more like eighteen months.”


“Hmm.  So, where’s home for you?”




“Henderson?  Tennessee?  Why didn’t you…”


She cut him off before he could get too excited.  “No dork.  Nevada.”




“I think you need some sleep.  Henderson, Nevada.  I’m probably about fifteen miles from you, at most, depending on where you’re staying.”


“Oh.”  Then, “OH!  You’re HERE!  So, why aren’t you here then?”  Meaning with him.  Preferably naked.


“Because,” she said, as if explaining the facts of life to a two-year-old, “I didn’t know where you even were until you answered the phone, remember?”


“Oh, yeah.  There is that.”


“Are you always this thick?”


“Not always.”


“Just usually?”


“Right.  So, how long until you get here?”


“Gonna tell me where you are first?”


“Nope.  Ya gotta guess.”




After checking his website for the venue he’d been performing at, Ali got into her Jeep and headed down to the infamous Las Vegas Strip.  Traffic was atrocious and took her almost forty-five minutes to make a routine, twenty-minute trip.  Eventually, she pulled into valet and left her keys with the attendant.  He took the keys from her and moaned, “So much for the fireworks, huh?”


She nodded in sympathy.  One of the nice things about living in Las Vegas was the fireworks.  You got them on the 4th of July, of course, but also on New Years Eve, at every casino opening, and anytime the gambling moguls thought it would work to their advantage.  “No fear, they’ll shoot ‘em off tomorrow if they can’t tonight.”  And it was true.  Anything to bring the people back out.


Stepping off to the side, avoiding all the foot traffic, she pulled out her cell phone and dialed. 




“Hey Cowboy, I’m down at valet.  Where are you?”


“Standing right behind you.”


Grinning, she flipped her phone shut and stuffed it into her pocket.  “How’d ya know?”


“You’re too smart for your own good.”  He pulled her into a tight hug and held her close.  “I knew it wouldn’t take you long to find me.”


“So?  Dinner or what?”


“Dinner definitely,” he said, reluctantly letting her go.  “I’m starved.  They’ve got a good steak place here.  C’mon.”  He reached for her hand and led her into the casino.




“Glad to see your appetite hasn’t changed any.”


“Stuff it, Blake.  I like to eat.”


“And apparently, you aren’t shy about it either.”  She threatened him with a forkful of baked potato.  “I’m not complaining, I swear!” he laughed, hands in the air, waving in mock surrender.


Ali lowered her forkful of potato and smiled at him.  “I’ve missed you.”


“Me too.  I mean, you.”  Blake sighed and shook his head.  “One more time – I’ve missed you too.”


“Amazing.  You write beautiful love songs that woo millions of women but can’t tell me whatcha mean for diddly.”


“Putting words on paper is so much easier.  Ya don’t have to have a conversation.  Ya just talk to the paper and it stays quiet.”


“Mmm.  Imagine that, something that doesn’t talk back.”


He glared at her and thought better than to say what he was thinking.  Instead, he grabbed the dessert menu out of her hands.  Ignoring her protests, he perused the night’s selections and settled on some cheesecake.




Resisting the urge to lick the whipped cream from the edges of her mouth, she lifted the napkin to her lips and dabbed at it, hoping she got it all.  Blake watched her intently, smiling self-consciously the entire time.




“Ya shoulda let me get that for you.”


“Do you ever think about things before you say them?”




“Bet that was one of those things that sounded better inside huh?”


Ignoring her, he smiled.  “Take me home with you.”


“Excuse me?”


“You heard me.  I’d take you back upstairs but the entire world would know by daybreak.  And this is not something I want to share with the whole world.”


“Just my neighbors?”


“Sure.  As long as they’re not too nosy.”  He leaned in closer to her.  “Please?”


She gave in to the smile building behind her lips.  “Can’t resist a man who says ‘please.’  Pay for dinner and we’ll go.  Although,” she paused, looking at him, “you’re not gonna be impressed.”


“With you?  Too late.”


“No, my house.  It’s kinda small.”


“I grew up in a small house.  I like ‘em.”


“And that’s why you live on 200 acres?”


Blake blushed.  “Well…”


“Come on, Cowboy.  I’m just teasing.”


Swatting playfully at the back of her head, he followed happily.




Ali chatted aimlessly on the drive back to her modest place on the outskirts of Las Vegas.  Between singing along with the radio and talking about her latest trip, she stole glances at her sometimes-between times-boyfriend.  Wishing she could get him more permanently, she sighed. 


“What’s the matter, Cookie?”


“Just thinkin’.”


“’Bout what?”


“You and me and a dog named Boo.”


“Funny.”  He let the silence fill the car temporarily.  He knew what she was thinking because he had the same idea.  Not that it’d ever work, but he was more than willing to try.  Instead of speaking his mind, he stared out at the stretch of freeway before them.  The darkness of the night overpowered the streetlights overhead.  Visibility was almost nothing but Ali was an accomplished driver.  She’d driven in much worse.


Contemplating what was to come, and ultimately how it’d end, he stared at the play of the headlights in the rain.  The halogens were broken up into shards of light by the storm.  Solid for a moment, then shattered by the wind and rain.  The gusts of wind and downpour of rain echoed Blake’s scattered thoughts and torrent of emotions.  He looked at Ali as she concentrated on the road.


“Next exit, almost home.”  She glanced quickly at him and frowned.  “Don’t think so much.  It’s not good for you.”


“Sorry.  Just wondering how I’m gonna leave you later.”


“Easy.  Don’t.”  She grinned mischievously.  “Well, not until you have to, anyway.”


Blake grinned despite himself.  “Works for me.”


“Good, because we’re home.”


Ali turned into the drive and paused, waiting for the garage to open.  “All ashore,” she teased, pulling in and closing the door behind her.




He sat on the edge of the bed and watched her getting dressed in the moonlight.  It was time to go.  The call had come half an hour ago, probably when they discovered he wasn’t in his room.  Taking her hand as she passed, he pulled her close to him.


“As much as I’d like to, I doubt your band is going to want to wait another hour or two.”


“You don’t have to drive me back.  I can call a cab.  Stay here and stay warm.”


“Uh-uh.  The storm’s died down and besides, I don’t know when I’m gonna see you again.  I can’t just let you walk out my door.”  She looked away from his pleading blue eyes.  “Anyway, at least this way it feels like I have some kind of control.”  She let out a long breath.  “Here, put your shirt on.  We’ve gotta get moving.”


“This sucks.”


“You said it, babe!”


The words had only barely left her mouth before she found herself flat on her back, with Blake smiling down at her.  He was still shirtless, looking good in nothing but his jeans.  He had his cell phone in his hand and a grin on his face. 


“What are you doing?”


Stealing a quick, chaste kiss, he quieted her.  “Shhh…” He dialed and listened intently.  “Hey.  Yeah.  It’s me.  Look, head on home without me.  I’m gonna stick around here for a bit.”  Silence.  “No, I’ll catch a plane in a few days.”  More silence.  Blake laughed.  “Noooo, nothing like that.  What makes you think I’d be shacking up with someone?”  He gave Ali a look that spoke volumes.  “Nope, I won’t forget.  Ha, ha, very funny.  Yeah.  Have a safe trip.  See ya in a few.  ‘Kay.  Bye.”


Smiling, he closed his phone and tossed it onto the nightstand.  Placing a small kiss on her forehead, he whispered, “Happy New Year, babe.”  He snuggled down close to her.  “Now I don’t have to leave until you throw me out.”


Ali laughed and closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation of his dark curls against her face as he buried his nose in her neck.  “As if that’s going to happen!”


“Yeah,” he agreed.  “As if.”   


To be continued?  Wait and see!


Mika Stevens - August 29, 2006


~ The Power of One ~
In the blink of an eye
a breath of a kiss
The power to change
our one greatest wish
No black or white
yellow or tan,
For we each are the same
as our fellow man,
When race is not something
we judge upon sight
Or fear of another's
desperate delight,
A radical fanatical
look death in the eye
His colour, religion,
for which he would die.
Yet if I could change
the power of one
All colours, beliefs
and hearts turn to love,
There'd be no more hate
or pain at our hands
With one heart to another
love our fellow man.
© Christina aka Stina
30th August, 2006

by Margaret C. Rigsby


Anxious anticipation
love a glow;
emotions barred
hopefully concealed from him.


Clothes chronologically carded carelessly
onto bed;
continuous changing
in search of approval.


O.C.D. operating in high gear
wrestling rituals
got to be on time!


Towering handsome man
steps out of  truck
eyes meet;
distance, differences disperse
our destination becomes our beginning.




For Chris.

My failure 


I tried to do this 

Tried to offer you my hand 

Gave you the chance to by my Man

 You didn't get, didn't understand 

Didn't see the path, didn't follow the plan 

No more will i do this. 

No more to understand Its time now for me to take a stand

 No longer will I do this, no more tears will I cry

 I don't feel guilty, I really did try 

This time was no different 

No third chance will there be 

This is baseball. I wont play your game. 

I'm taking the time now setting myself free.

 Taking the notes, the lessons to heart, 

hoping next time wont be the same.


Mocha Angel

Runaway Love
Copywrite 2006/2007

Silvery clouds floated across the sky, like billowing sails atop a large, grand ship.  The wind blew breathlessly and vigorously into them and across the blue, naked sea. It caused the clouds of shift into different positions, sometimes softening their edges, sometimes causing them to become jagged.

The waves crashed ashore, causing tiny rivulets of water to scamper across the rocks, than quickly dash back to sea.

It was a perfect day for quiet thoughts and simple pleasures. Simple things like suntanned skin and golden, sun warmed smiles.  Simple pleasures like floral scented days and soft, breezy clouds, a splash of sunscreen and a dash of sea spray. And bikinis pink and polka dot, barely to cover the body.

Forever should the days go on like this, she thought, as the sound of the sea gulls woke her. Days where the sunrise remained pink and yawing in the lavender / purple skies.
And nights where lazily drifting stars winked as they got lost in the warm morning sun. The moon above smiling knowingly when the night is over, for she had done her job. Love and romance had found a home here.

But deep between the deep fertile cliffs of Kauai, where the blue sea rolls on for miles and miles,
a ship has washed ashore to lie silently on the rocks.

A young maiden walked over the sand and around the sand dunes. There as she looks out to sea.
Her long blond hair cascades down her back in ringlets that catch the glimmer of the sun.  Her bikinied body is barely covering her. She is enjoying this island.  There are many good and nutritious foods for her to eat here....bananas, coconuts, papaya, pineapple. And plenty of fish.

But she searches everyday for someone...

She looks for her runaway love.

  She tosses a bottle out to sea...and the ocean, like the arms of a lover, accepts it willingly.  She watches as her love letter drifts away to the spot where the ocean meets the sky.

"He will find it, he will read it, he will come  back to me."  She feels a tear in her eye, and wipes it away.  She could not let him see her cry....never would.  It's the ocean's spray on her clear white face that tastes salty, not her tears.  She would tell him that.

The wood that broke up from their ship was used to keep the fires going.
It was a bonfire that she would never extinguish until she saw him again.  She loved his handsome, smiling face, his deep warm eyes which sparkled when he looked at her.
His arms were strong and his waist was trim.  He had long hair which came down to his shoulders, a sandy brown color.  And his hands, oh, how she loved his hands. They were large, but gentle. She loved to slip hers into his, when the evening came on.

But he had got lost in the wreck at sea.  She would wait forever for him, she thought,  sending out her love messages in bottles, hoping that someday, this beautiful, gentle sea would bring him back to her.

As she turned her back to the sea to go back to shore,

she did not notice that far in the horizon, a tiny speck was visible.

The tiny speck picked up the bottle and read the love message.

"Angelina," he said, "I have come for you, my love."

His words got lost in the crashing sea.

Than she turned around... and tears really did flow as she saw the faint speck on the horizon.

"Darling, Darling," She cried, her heart beating frantically, "I have waited forever for you!!"

As the tiny speck became more visible, she could make out a lone man on a tiny raft.

She knew it was him....

How she wanted him to see her as naked as the sea, her beautiful body like that of a mermaid,

she wanted him to love her.

She hoped she would not wake up to find this a dream.

So she let the tears fall, they were real...

she had cried oceans of tears for him...

and now, she wanted him to see just this one, vast ocean of love

that waited him.

I will let him see me cry this time...

and she splashed frantically out to where he seemed be.

The salty spray burned her eyes, but she kept going...

"My love, my love,"
He called to her, his white shirt loose and open to his waist exposing his
naked chest.  "I knew I would find you. I never gave up!"

Dictionary Challenge



murderize - (v) - to threaten your children with fictional and silly threats to within an inch of their lives;  used when angry with children and  with knowledge that the user would never do true harm to said children.   "My kids are driving me nuts, I think I'll muderize them."   "Don't make me murderize you".

gimungous - (adj) (jy-mun-gus) - huge; gargantuan; enormous; giant.  Possibly a combination of giant and humongus.  "The Eiffel Tower is gimungous!"

ginormous - (adj) (jy-nor-mus) - see gimungous.  Thought to be a combination of giant and enormous.

nerddorkgeek - (n) - (nurd-dork-geek) - in some cultures, a term of affection and honor.  One who is outside the norms of society and considered too brainy, smart or dweeby.

kung fu thinking - (n) - used by some as a form of meditation.  "Don't interrupt me, Mom, I'm kung-fu thinking."

Chasing Butterflies

When I was a young girl not more than 7 or 8 I fell hopelessly and helplessly in love with bugs.  Yes bugs.  I would sit for hours searching for them and I would ask anyone that I could "what's this one"?  I just knew that I had to become a bug Doctor when I grew up!
   One day Mom took us kids to the park.  Now this was a dream come true for me.  While on one of my many bug hunts I met a girl about 10 years old, her name was Kimberly.  She and I were all over that park searching and discovering bugs all day long.  We became best friends that day, and our friendship continued over the next 2 years.
    Every time we were at the park together we explored.  One day Kimberly suggested we go chase the Butterflies, she said that she wished she could fly like they did.  I agreed and off we went.
    The Summer when I turned 10 and Kimberly was 12 I started seeing Kimberly les and less.  When I did meet up with her at the park she would be tired and didn't really want to do much running around or bug hunting.  I asked her what was wrong and she would always say "I'm just tired".
    The last time I saw her she seemed a bit more upbeat and had more energy than she had been having.  We laughed and played for a good portion of the day.  Kimberly started getting tired and told me that she needed to sit down.   I felt sad because I knew that the summer would be ending soon and Kimberly just wasn't her normal self.  I just wasn't ready to stop playing.  So I asked her if she would be ok and would she mind if I went and chased the Butterflies, this seemed to give her a burst of energy and she stood up and said "lets do it together one last time".
    At the time I didn't understand, Kimberly passed away that night.  It was if she knew it was going to happen.  I will never forget that day at the park, and I will always remember us Chasing Butterflies.
Karen Morris  

Scandalous Whispers

Did you just hear that?

Do you know what they said?


I can't take this anymore,

this needs to stop now.


The lies and the whispers get worse by the day.

Why can't they just say it to my face?


I understand that this is all wrong,

but I just don't know how to end it.


Please don't walk away,

I need your love.

I don't care what they say.


Karen Morris


Hope Floats?


So tired of my life.

Sometimes I feel like I want to die.

Something keeps me hanging on.

The question, for how long?

So tired of the same old crap.

Something has got to give.

I hold on to pleasant memories,

Because I know the future is going to suck.

Still, I hate living in the past.

I want to live for today.

Today sucks too.

Tired of feeling inadequate.

Tired of feeling like I have been tossed away.

I could end it all with a slit of the wrist,

A bottle of sleeping pills, or anything else.

Still I don’t.

Am I a coward? I don’t think so.

Some say hope floats.

I used to live by that.

But my hope is about to drown.

Drown in a sea of misery and despair.

I will awake in the morning.

Hoping that my hope will resurface.




There’s a space in my heart

That nothing can fill,

I miss him today

And I always will.


I remember the laugh

And the silly ways,

And the joy that he brought

To many days.


He was stubborn

And kind and true,

He was honest and vocal –

I am too.


I miss the debating,

Discussion and talks,

I remember the shopping,

The beach and the walks.


He was my Father,

My Mentor and Guide,

He loved me and often would

Speak of me with pride.


I recall the last thing he said to me

As I got into my car,

“Take care Girlie and be safe,

You have travelled far.”


A phone call told me he had gone

Leaving me to cry my tears,

But holding on so tightly,

To the memories of the years.


© Linda J. Vaughan

August 27th. 2006

Three years today


You tell me you love me,
 I wish it were true.
You tell me you've missed me,
I used to miss you.
When you walked out the door,
I thought I would cry.
You just kept on walking,
didn't say goodbye.
Now you're back,
It isn't the same.
With me it was real,
With you a game.
It's true, I once loved you,
But that was before.
Now you say you love me,
It doesn't matter anymore.

Brenda Vidrine

His Rain
 all rights reserved

Some say....
the rain is blue,
and falls on earth
to sadden you

I say...
they fall as diamonds
from God's own hands
to green up our gardens
to make richer our lands

Savor this treasure!
enjoy it, you must
for raindrops are falling
like diamonds on us

Enjoy the beauty...
He sends us this prize
this cool, wet treasure
it's His love in disquise

Devotion In Motion
sleek, powerful
exciting, flying, roaring
freedom, harmony, adventure, energy
cherished, seasoned, polished
tough, dependable
Denise Carew

Do you see me?



Lost in a room

Lost in the crowd

Maybe too quiet

When she wants to scream out loud


Feeling alone

In the midst of a crowd

Wondering if she’s made of glass

Or just invisible


She’s been told that she’s lovely

Been told that she’s keen

Feels like chopped liver

When she gets passed over


Maybe it’s just her

She just doesn’t know

She just knows she can’t stand the tears

And the fears of being alone


She knows she can’t always be in the spotlight

But she wonders why

She is always on the sidelines

Just wanting to hide


As she heads toward the corner

With a tear in her eye

So tired of always being passed by



May 3, 2003

a poem for Antoinette



You came, a answer to a prayer

a dream come true

little did I know

the dream would be a nightmare


I moved with a new beauty

my face enlightened

knowing you were within in

and safe from harm


the months passed

everything beautiful

but a fear grabbed me

questions I asked


laying in a dark room

my love at my side

being told you wouldn't live

my heart thrown aside


Tears shown down

like falling rain

no not this

just too much pain


Your body I held close to me

my tears falling down again

my dream I now held in my hands


Six months you were with us

until you had to go

your short life had done

more than you could know


Sweet Antoinette Marie

You shall always be my first

my beautiful girl

and dream come true


Some people dream of angels

I held one in my arms

and it was you





For Antoinette Marie-10/23/95-stillborn at 6 months in-vitro



She lay on her bed

Tears in her eyes

Her heart in pieces, broken

Her pillow wet with tears

Sobs softening as she drifts off


Her eyes opened

Her bed now covered in rose petals

She looked around, muttering to herself, where am I


Stepping lightly, she looked around

The drab floor of her apt had been changed to crystal

The petals floating down

Melting before they reached the floor


Walking away from her bed

Feeling as if someone was there

A touch on her shoulder

She turned around and there He was

The man of her dreams


She felt a tear come to her eyes

A pain filled her heart

He took her in his arms

Wiping her tears away


“Do not cry, my lovely one

he is not worth your tears

rest in my arms

be with me here

let me take your cares away”


She ran into his arms

Feeling so safe and warm

Then heard some awful music

Blaring and annoying


She opened up

The sun was shining

She looked around

At her drab floor

Then looked at her hand

A thin gold band appeared

And a voice from somewhere

Spoke those words she longed to hear


“I love you, my lovely one”




April 30, 2003

Alone, you're not here
Your kisses, I'm longing, missed
So sweet, they are too
Yet, you're still gone, I'm alone
Your coffin closes, I cry.

Brenda Vidrine

Vibrant hue

Glorious color

Majestic too

Above all others


Coloring mountains

The hue of dawn

And day break too

Color of a favorite ring

Glistening in the light


Your shade makes roses

Beautiful beyond delight

All around

It’s all I see



Painful, Joyous,
Rejoicing, celebrating, hoping
Calm, tears, smiles, peace,
Finalising, releasing, saddened
Restless, painful
© Linda J. Vaughan

Inner Beauty

How is it that
you have remained
all these years

Through sadness
and ugliness
you are still the
beautiful you

You could have
become ugly
by the world

Life tries to change us
but you are still you
honest, sincere
and loyal like before

Your glow dims at times
but it is still there
I see it when you forget
the life around you

It pleases me that
you are still you
And it allows me
to be me, still me.

~Corina Carrasco

You could be my lover

You could be my friend

We could live together

This would never end


But there are ties that bound you

Your origins, your race

 their moving you away again?

To yet another place...


Maybe I am just selfish

That much clearly is true

But my with selfishness comes great care

And my caring is for you


When you're moved to London

Please, watch out for my name

Watch out for the things I do

And love me all the same


Jennifer Annie

An Evening Song

Cool evening breeze
brings delightful music.
It comes in waves;
low then louder.
Not as before.
Maybe they are reduced in number.
Multiplying is difficult due to
environmental problems.
I don't know...
One thing for sure,
their song will live  
forever in my heart.
The vanishing
July fly.


Uncontrolled feelings.
Rage to sadness.
Highs and lows.
Sleep and Sleeplessness.
Feel like I am running in circles.
It makes me crazy with anger.
I scream and yell at you.
Then cry and swear I didn't mean to.
You will never get used to this.
I on the other hand,
Am Immune to it.


by Margaret C. Rigsby

At any particular moment 

this metallic taste in my mouth 

will cease.

In solitude, I pretend 

I smell the salty ocean; f

eel the white sand between my toes 

as I gaze upon a majestic horizon.

Just inner thoughts 

while a life ends 

with dignity, finality;



Rescue will come
by Margaret C. Rigsby

Pretend the metallic doors
inside the freezer are not locked.

Rescue will come.

Contemplation of flight
in solitude moment
seem fruitless.

Rescue will come.

With particular effort
shoved inside meat locker
thoughts horizon upon escaping
from this inner lining
before sleep overtakes.

Rescue will come.

Comfort comes
no longer feeling cold
sleep overtakes peacefully.

Rescue will come.


*The following contains adult themes*

Ok, I totally just ran this off.  Seems to me at the beginning that my thoughts are going in too many directions.  However this is the rough draft.  Probably VERY rough LOL.  And I just want to warn you all, there are a couple of adult words in here.  Not many though.  And man my memories came flooding back.  I know that I need to go back and be more descriptive and set the mood and the scene.  I also have some rum on sentences and I use the words and/but way too often and their are probally some serious misspellings in here, but like I said, it's just the rough draft.  But I just had to send it in and see what you all think of it so far.  One more thing, this isn't exactly short.  LOL
   It had been over a year since I had been out and been around my friends.  I was missing them terribly.  They were more than my friends, they had became my family.  I wasn't even sure that any of them would show up at the local bar a friend and I went to.  I was hoping that they would though.
   It was almost midnight and I was bored out of my mind.  The beer wasn't making anything more fun, all it did is make me run to the bathroom.  The band was pretty good, but they were way too loud.  I had even begun to get a headache.  I talked a bit to my friend Charlie, but it was awkward because he is one of my friends soon to be ex husband.  It wasn't a date though, we just went out as friends.  Still it felt weird.
   I was thinking to myself that I could have just sat at home and had more fun.  There weren't many people there, there wasn't anyone around that I wanted to dance with and I wasn't about to dance with Charlie, that would be way to awkward. 
   The whole night I had been watching the door to see if Jack would show up.  Ahh, Jack.  He is a tough guy, almost a trouble maker, but he is a great guy.  I thought about one hot July night when sparks flew between us.
   My friend Linda and her husband was having a party, although I can't remember what the occassion was.  We were all talking and joking around.  Jack and I always side by side.  We had started off as friends, but soon I guess we were attracted to each other.  His wife was a horrible wife she was always cheating on him.  I hated her for it but I was still friends with her because of Jack.
   I have always been a tomboy never acting like a girl and Jack's cousin had asked me to trade punches with him because Jack had told him that I hit like a man and he didn't believe him.  So being the tomboy that I am I did.  I hit his cousin so hard in his arm that he was knocked back three steps.  Then it was his turn.  He hit me in my arm but he knocked quite aways backwards.  I didn't fall though.  Jack's eyes began to dance.  I had seen him like this before.  He was very angry.  He took his cousin outside on the porch and we all could hear him yelling at his cousin even over the radio. 
   "What the hell do you think you're doing?"  Jack asked his cousin but his cousin didn't even have time to answer.
   "You should have never hit her like that.  Don't you ever raise your hand to her again or I promise you that you will have to deal with me."  Jack shouted and I could hear the level of his anger.
   "I don't know why he got mad about that.  He never gets mad when someone does something to me.  Now get your ass in there and you had better apologize to her."  Jack's wife said.
   "I wonder why?"  I thought to myself.
   Jack and his cousin came back in and I stood there waiting for the apology although I didn't want it.  I agreed to trade punches so I didn't see any reason to be apologized to but I knew now was not the time to argue about it.
   "I am sorry that I hit you that hard.  I shouldn't have hit you like that."  Jacks cousin said looking me straight in the eyes.
   "Don't worry about it, it was part of the deal."  I told him.  I felt like I was between a rock and a hard place.
   "It doesn't matter I should have never hit you that hard.  Does it hurt much?"  Jack's cousin asked looking as if he really meant it.
   "Nope, it doesn't hurt at all, you hit like a girl."  I told him.
   Evidently I said the right thing because everyone started laughing including Jack.  I was lying though, my entire upper arm had already started to bruise.
   Jack decided that he had to check it out for himself.  When he saw the bruise he looked at his cousin like he was going to kill him.  When his cousin saw it he apologized again and I think he really did mean it that time. 
   I was tired of all of this fussing over me.  While all of that was going on, Jack's wife constantly griped.  But Jack wasn't hearing it.  He decided that I needed ice on it and he made me a ice bag and held it to my arm.  As he did this we locked eyes, I think everyone saw it except for his wife who had decided to stop running her mouth and sexually flirt with one of Jack's other cousins.  I couldn't look away from Jack.  His eyes had hypnotized me.  I can't tell you what I was thinking, if I was even able to think.  I had to break the hold his eyes had on me because it didn't look like he was trying to everyone one except his wife and her playmate were watching us.
   "I don't know about you but I could use a beer."  I told Jack.  I forced myself to turn away and I got myself and him both a beer.
   Within a few seconds everyone was cutting up again calling Jack's cousin a girly man, the party was on again.  I talked to my friend Linda to try and shake the feeling that Jack had on me.  He is married I can't do what my body and heart want me to.  I will not cross that line.  Marriage is sacred, to me atleast.
   After a few minutes I noticed that I didn't hear Jack talking.  It didn't seem like anyone else noticed it, but I knew that it hadn't been too long ago and he had been furious and with me caring about him like I do I had to check on him.
   I walked through the house looking for him but didn't find him.  I didn't ask anyone if they knew where he was.  If I did it would have made it obvious that I had a thing for him.
   "Maybe he went outside too cool off."  I thought and went outside onto the porch.
   "Jack."  I called
   "Come here, I want to talk to you."  I heard him say from the side of the house.
   "I am sorry if what happened made you mad."  I said as I approached him.
   He began to walk to me not saying anything.  I thought he was really mad at me.  Afterall I really shouldn't have traded punches with his cousin.
   "Jack, please don't be mad at me."  I was still walking to him and him to me.
   "Jack.."  I said and noticed that we were extremely close, but this wasn't anything out of the ordinary.  When he put his hands on my hips I didn't think anything about it because he did that alot when he talked to me seriously.  I thought that I was in for a chewing.
   He leaned closer to me and I thought "Oh my God he is going to scream at me right in my face."  I prepared myself and got the shock of a lifetime.  He kissed me.  I pulled back.
   "Jack we can't do this, you are married and for God sake your wife in right in the house."  I said to him.
   Either he didn't hear me or he wasn't listening because he kissed me again and this time it lasted just a bit longer.
   "Jack stop it."  I told him.  Part of me didn't want him to stop.  My heart was racing and skipping beats all at the same time.  His touch felt wonderful.  His kiss tender and sweet. 
   "Stop this now, before it goes any further!"  My head screamed at me.  I tried to listen to it honestly I did but I was argueing with myself.  I had been wanting this for so long.  I knew it was wrong for me to lust after a married man.  I really should have slapped him the first time like any self respecting female would have.  I couldn't tear myself away.  My body was on fire. 
   He kissed me again and this one lasted just a bit longer than the second one.  My mind was yelling one thing, my heart and my body wasn't about to shut up.
   "Get it together girl, he's married!"  My mind shouted above my heart and body.  That brought me out of it.  I pulled back and looked into his beautiful eyes.  I thought of the old country song, Heaven's just a sin away.  I looked down at my hands they were on his chest, I could feel his heart beat pounding harder each time.  I couldn't figure out why my hands were there.  When I had pulled away before my hands were directly above his lungs.  A ordinary place to push away from, but now they were higher and much closer to his collar bones.  I had almost given in.  I had came close.  I didn't want to stop, but I knew it was so very wrong.  Those three kisses were wrong.  Even though they were the most wonderful, tender and sweet kisses I had ever had in my life, they were still wrong.
   "Jack, this is wrong.  As much as I want this, believe me I do, we can not do this.  You are married."  I told him and walked away.  I went back into the house and told everyone that I wasn't feeling well and that I was going to bed.
   I spent most of the night going over those kisses again and again in my mind.  Whenever I licked my lips I could still taste his kiss.  My body was burning up with a fever like heat.  I had to stop thinking about this.  I repeated the words "He is married over and over until I finally fell asleep."
   Over the next few days I tried not to think about what had happened.  But I often fount myself staring out into space thinking about the kisses again.
   It wasn't long and he had came back over to my friends house for something or another and he sat right beside me and just looked at me.  My body was in flames again, I had to get away from him.  I went into another room and watched TV.
   About two weeks later my friends and I went to a local bar just to get out.  Jack was there, I knew he would be.  There on the dance floor was his wife girating, it looked more like humping to me, with some guy.  She even kissed him a time or two.
   I decided to just put the kisses behind me and get back to our friendship.  I asked Jack to come and dance with me.
   "I can't."  He answered.
   "What?"  I asked, my heart felt like it had been shot with a missle.
   "I can't."  He repeated.
   "Why not?"  I asked feeling my heart sink.
   "I am afraid you will kiss me again."  He said with a smile.
   "You kissed me."  I told him.
   "Yeah I did.  I did it three times and oneday I am going to do it again and you won't walk away."  He said leaning into my face.
   I knew then that I had to get away.  It was too wrong he was married.
   But tonight I so hoped to see him.  I knew that I still cared for him deeply and everytime I thought about him my body got a fever. 
   "Time to put that away, he may not even show up."  I thought to myself and took a long drink from my bottled beer.  As I sat the bottle back on the table I looked at the door.  There was Jack, he looked wonderful and my heart wouldn't stop skipping until I saw his wife behind him.
   His wife had noticed me and I waved at her to come join me and my friend.  She was saying something to me when Jack sat down, but I didn't know what it was I was too busy trying to smell him.  How silly is that?  Trying to smell a man from across a table.  I couldn't even look at him. 
   "If he wasn't married, I swear I would take him right here."  I thought to myself. 
   After a few minutes we were left alone at the table.  We sat there nervously, I could tell that both of our muscles we tense.  I began popping my fingers, I bad habit I do when I get really nervous.  I took a drink of my beer and looked at him.  Evidently we were making the same moves at the same time.  He was looking at me also while taking a drink.
   It seemed like an eturnity before anyone came back to the table and before long more of Jack's family was there including the cousin I traded punches with.  Soon Jack and I were almost as close as we were a year ago.  It felt great to have his friendship again.  Although we weren't talking.  He bought me a beer and then played a joke on my by finding the most desperate looking guy in the bar and telling him I had the hots for him and that I wanted to dance with him.  I told the guy I had no clue what he was talking about.
   Jack's wife was busy with her latest man and he sat on a bench on the other side of me.  It began again.  One of use would accidently touch the other and both of us would jump.  Then the brushing of a arm or of a hand became more frequent.  He started going out of his way to brush me and when he did, neither of us jumped and quite a few times we sat there and let that light touch last for a few minutes.  I tried to tell myself that it wasn't anything.  I knew that it was though. 
   Jack is still married and I still won't cross that line even if his wife is as loose as a goose.  She even told me that night that I could have him because she was with someone else.  She said she didn't love Jack anymore and wasn't even sure why she was with him.  As tempting as that offer was I won't take it.  When they get divorced however, I will make him mine.  I will never cheat on him or act the way she does in front of him.  I know that it can be a long time until they are divorced and I know that they may never get divorced.  If they never do, then he will never be mine and I will have to just deal with it.  I will always have those three kisses though.

Immune to it
by Margaret C. Rigsby

Crazy stupid bitch,
dumb fat-ass
Just words.
Clenched fist
crushing into face;
Fear: hands around neck
gasping for breath.
Gravel imprints,
bruising, contusions
staggering upwards
life inside kicks.
Words, bones -
temporal body,
thank God I am immune to it.


My Eyes
Apathetic eyes
Staring soulless back at me
Quickly now, don’t look
A gaze I don’t want to meet
Lost, alone; what happened to me?
Trina 19-08-06

An Insomniac's Dream
I lay in bed, toss and turn
To sleep at night I truly yearn
Insomnia I have, this I dread
For I will only sleep, when I'm dead
My night's are long, and it may seem
What keeps me up is the "Dream"
I choose Insomnia, this I know
And for the reason, I now shall show
My dreams are frightful, nightmares some say
But nothing different, known to this day
Friends and family I have killed
Though I don't know why their blood I've spilled
The beast within, no longer caged
Now set free, too much enraged
With this I close, and this I deem
Murder, Insanity, and Insomniac's dream!

Karen Morris

The following contains adult situations*

As I sat there with my friend at the bar table.
He walked in.  Stay away from him, will I be able?
Behind him walked his cheating wife.
It should be me in his life.
My heart skips a beat and I hold my breath.
Many times I have wished for his wife's death.
He and I have had our times, we started off as friends.
Over time that friendship did end.
We became closer like brother and sister.
That changed into something more sinister.
We started off with light flirting.
There wasn't anyone we were hurting.
Soon we were always side by side.
His wife by someone eles's side.
Then the time came.  It had been over a year that we had felt the same way.
While everyone was inside,I went outside to him.  Had something happened that day?
I was talking to him and he came closer.  I talked louder thinking he couldn't hear.
He came closer and closer and soon he was dreadfully near.
My body hot from the night heat and from desire.
I held my breath, my body was on fire.
He put his hands on my hips this was nothing new.
He leaned in, oh God what is he going to do?
My brain said run, my heart and body said stay.
I tried to turn but a kiss on my lips he did lay.
This wasn't right, no matter how I felt.
But in his arms all I could do was melt.
I pulled away.  Stop you are married this is not right.
He pulled me closer and held me tight.
He kissed me again this time with more passion.
Get it together girl think with ration.
My mind screamed at me and not getting through.
He wanted to kiss me again and that he would do.
Finally I got a grip on myself I told him, we can't do this not now.
I went inside my face flushed, pulse racing I got to get it together, but how.
I went to bed marriage is a line I will not cross.
Onto the bed myself I did toss.
As the days went by we still felt the same.
But he was still married, yes she had his name.
I wondered how he would react tonight.
We sat nervous muscles tense and tight.
Then there was a word or two.
His wife around somewhere finding someone else to do.
Then there was a brush of a hand and a look.
With the things I felt for him I could write a book.
His wife and I were talking she telling me about her new man.
Then to my shock and disbelief her words were "you can have my man."
Said she didn't love him, didn't know why she was with him.
What I wouldn't give to spend my life right there beside him.
The night went on, and how I wanted to touch him, be with him.
But marriage is a line I will not cross.  But when he gets divorced I will be with him.

sit here and wonder

What would life be

Without the people

That truly care for me

You have brought me in your heart

And taken my soul

Covered me with your wings

Keeping me from being cold

You wish to train me

Guide me

Make me something

Everyone wants me to be

You know my path

Before I do

You know where I am supposed to go

And the places I need to go through

I owe you more than you actually believe

I will give you what you deserve

At the cost of my own needs and wants

As long as you are happy that is all that matters to me


The Evergreen's Secret
 I had just buried my cat Tilly. She had slipped away peacefully
in the night after giving birth to her three kittens.  I missed her tremendously.  I decided to take a walk to try and forget my pain.
A walk in the evergreen forest would be good for my soul, I thought as I turned down that lonely road.
 It was a chilly December night, and the winds blew in bitingly from the ocean. 
As the trees moaned in the wind, it was as if they were telling each other a secret. I wanted to know their secret.  I noticed their roots were grasping the ground.  They reminded me of a lost maiden...wherever their roots seemed to take hold...that is where they grew and stayed. I felt one with them, for I too was looking for roots to understand why my cat had died.
Than on the ground I noticed  
 the older needles of the tree had fallen, making the mother branches stark and naked against the dark sky. I wondered what had caused these needles to fall...
I asked myself questions.
Had they fallen wildly?  Like the feathers from a great bird which beat its wings upon a glass cage in search of freedom?
 Had they fallen silently  as tears of weeping mothers whose sons leave for far away wars? For their babies, the ones they once rocked safely in their arms, had now set out to rock the world for freedom.
....Or had they fallen as our hearts fall, when we have lost something we love, or when we taste the bitter cold of loneliness, and can find no spirited corner of hope in which to hide?
...Or had they fallen as the bitter rains in the midst of summer storms. We look blindly through the storm, waiting for the sun to shine and burn off the dark, damp rain seeping into our world. We want to once again
find renewal.
made way down my cheeks.
...Had they fallen as cursedly and dejectively as man and sin...scorched with fires of lust, stained with the pain of our fellow man, whimpering and ugly from the scars of hatred, revenge and temptations.
The needles crunched
I wanted an answer.....
The pines above sighed in my ignorance.
At last they did speak...
They have fallen because it is His will
My heart beat in my throat, to think a pine could speak..
Or was it my delving, questioning soul..
that let me hear them
They sighed and whimpered and then bent their long scratching branches
painfully to the if to pick up the
needle resting at their feet like a mother picking up a child.
The pines whispered softly to me...
This is His will...
the old fall so the new
can be born.
Than suddenly, I understood.
 the great cycle of life
The secret of the pines was revealed to me...
nothing can replace the one lost,
but a new one will always await...
whispered the pines
that is our secret
In the distance I could see the light from my house.
I knew that I should start heading toward home.
  A hot bowl of soup
awaited me on the stove. But no Tilly.
 Tillie's time had come.
but her memories would keep me happy
and the kittens she had given me...
would keep me warm.
Viewed by society as wrong.
As being weird.
As being Goth.
Diagnoses by the shrink as
With a anxiety disorder.
Am I really that messed up?
I don't think so.
I don't dress like some people think a goth would.
Yes, I do have mood swings, but don't we all.
Anxiety disorder.  I agree.
But have you taken a look at the world today?
Parents killing their children and children killing their parents.
Wars erupt each way that you turn.
Is there one day that goes by in which someone is not murdered?
Why can't the headline news be something like Farmer grew the biggest tomatoe ever?
I have been told that I am a loner.  That I need friends.
Yeah like I need more drama.
Am I abnormal because I see the world as it really is.
Or are you abnormal because you think the world is Disneyland?
Yes I like goth art.
It has feeling.
The art that I look at and the music that I listen to doesn't make me who I am.
Society has made me who I am.
You call me a reject and a outcast and yet people like you made me like this.
I am the world's child.
Have you read the news today?
No wonder I am screwed up, looks like we all are.


She only comes out at night.
She waits in the shadows.
Waits for the right oppretunity.
Many pass her by.
Never knowing she is there.
Some sense that something is not right.
Others notice nothing.
Soon she will find one.
And she will make them her.
Their once normal lives
will never be again.
His friends walk a few steps ahead
He lags behind.
She snatches him without a sound.
He is paralyzed with fear.
Her heart pounds like a drum.
The craving has begun.
One bite, quick
He doesn't even have time to scream.
Her veins fill with the rythum of his heart.
He feels his life begin to fade.
With in seconds it is all over.
He is alive and her craving has stopped.
In a few days
His strength will be regained
And He will be the one
The one who waits in the shadows.
When you pass that dark alley
And you feel uneasy
Take a glance to see
Are their glowing eyes
or a glistening of razor sharp teeth.
Hi all.  I watched Ginger Snaps Unleashed last night and then sat and wrote this.  I love all of the Ginger Snap movies except Unleashed, it just wasn't as good as the others anyway...
Dark Shadows
Walk quickly past the dark shadows
Maybe it won't grab you.
Stay close to a crowd
It likes strays
If you choose not to
or if you dare to enter the shadow
you will be the next
waiting to feed in the shadows.

Dear Diary

It has been one wild day! I was waiting in line at the Beautiful Horizons Gift Shop to purchase a pretty flower and a card for a friend of mine who had been feeling down. There were three people ahead of me. When it was my turn, I began chatting with the clerk as she rang up my purchases. She was a strikingly beautiful young girl of maybe about twenty years old. As she was ringing up my purchases, we chatted about the pleasant autumn weather .

Then suddenly I heard a loud bang at the door and I heard the glass shatter. Two guys carrying guns ran in. Both were wearing gray bandanas to cover part of their faces. They shouted out “Nobody move!“ The tallest guy had a medium build and he carried a large sawed off shotgun. He appeared to be the leader of the duo. He ordered everybody on the ground except for the clerk. He ordered her to empty out the cash register into a bag. Then he forced her to the back and ordered her to open the safe. I heard her pleading ‘Please! Please! I don’t know how to open the safe. I am not a manager. Only managers can do that!” The gunman’s voice kept getting louder as if he was getting agitated. Meanwhile his partner stayed in the front to keep guard on those of us remaining in the front. He wasn’t as tall as his partner but carried a little more weight. I could tell that he was nervous because I could see the sweat trickle down his forehead. He didn’t say much except that no one would get hurt if we all cooperated.

The only thing that I could do was pray that everyone would make it out alive. A sun-catcher that sat on a window near the register caught my eye. I stared at the array of iridescent colors that seemed to dance in the sun and I let my mind drift off in order to momentarily take me away from that horrendous situation.

My train of thought was broken when I heard the tall robber tell his cohort “Come on man, let’s go!” They left as quickly as they came, knocking over a vase made of alabaster as they made their exit.

When I looked up, the clerk was already on the phone with the police and before I knew it I heard sirens in front of the store. It took every grain of energy for me not to just lose my composure. But I finally regained composure when it was my turn to make a statement to the police.

When I finally walked out of that store I was glad that no one was hurt and I was blessed to live to see the light of another day. I began to ponder that things very well could have been worse, but God looked out for me and now I am…


Lucky to be alive….


By Yolanda Brown 8/06


A Leaf in the Wind
The leaves of autumn fall
their beauty exquisite stands
in colors of yellow and rust
and orange and golden sand
where once was nature's 
 summer verdent trees
 now from darkened branches
 fall the leaves
floating as fairies dancing
they spin and touch the ground
than daintily,
breezes sweep the day
to whisk the fallen leaves away
it takes them way up high
to sail up in the sky...
Gentle winds, 
from winter's early herald,
you've whisked away
the leafs left in the cold
and gave them
 one last breath to behold
Oh, that I!
that I may have that chance
when the end is near
may I have just one last dance
 before I disappear
 I wish those winds upon my face
to lift me up to fly!
 let me kiss the sunlite
one last time before I die
give me one last tiny moment
that I may live a moment more
to see the earth in grandeur
as I've never seen it before
and than wind,
 take me way up high...
straight to
heaven's door
let me feel exhaulted
for having lived
and lived some more
 all rights reserved

There is a house on the hill, you can't see it unless you walk through the overgrown brush and pushed your way through many trees.
The house is old and withered.  When the wind blows the old black and barely hanging chutters bang a lonely empty sound.
The house looks like it was painted with watered down white paint.  It's peeling here and there.  There are holes that have been placed there from many things.
A screen door hangs by one loose hinge.  It doesn't sway with the wind because a corner of it is dug into the porch.
The windows are all busted.  Probably from children throwing rocks at them.  There are still curtains that hang in the windows.  Dingy and discolored they flap freely.
I am curious as to what the inside of the old house looks like.  I take my first of three steps on the withered porch steps.  They creak and moan as if they are in pain.
On the porch floor there are missing boards, I have to be careful not to step in a whole.
Gently I lift the screen door up and out of the porch and prop it against the outside wall.
Grabbing the door knob my heart skips a beat.  I have no way of knowing what or even who may be behind that door.
The door knob is loose but the door itself is stuck.  Try as I might I can not budge, but there is a anticipation that is building inside of me.  I have to know what is behind this door.
I step back away from it telling myself to just go home.  Forget about it...but something inside me pushes me.
Before I know what I am doing, I give the door one swift hard kick and it swings open.
I walk inside and shut the door behind me.  Everything is pitch black I can not see my hand infront of my face even though it is daylight outside and the curtains to all of the windows are open.  Still, I feel comfortable.  As if I had been here many times.
I rub my eyes hoping that they will adjust to the darkness that is all around me.  When I reopen them it seemed like someone had turned on a small light somewhere.
Before me appeared a living room that looked very homey only it was discolored from age.  On a large oversized couch sits a young lady with her face in her hands.  I suddenly feel a heavy lingering feeling fall over me.
The lady is crying.  I can not see her face but she is sobbing.  I want to console her but I do not dare to go near and disturb her.
I look at the fireplace and see pictures of a male which looks really familiar but I just can not place him.  There are no pictures of the lady anywhere that I can see.
I take a few steps closer to her and notice that there is a newspaper lying on the floor.  It seems that the man in the picture on the fireplace has been killed.
"Why?"  I hear the young lady ask outloud.  "He was all that I had.  We were going to be married."
Although the lady had removed her hands from her face I still can not see her face as she is looking at the floor.  However, being a few steps closer I can tell that she has long blonde hair.  She is a little overweight, but not a whole lot.  Even though she is slightly overweight she looks so frail right now.
"What am I going to do now?  I have no one.  I don't want to go on like this."  The young lady says as she stands up.
She walks over to the fireplace hardly one foot away from me, but it is as if she can not see me.
She grabs a picture of the male and begins to cry again.
"I don't want to be without you."  She says to the picture with tears covering her face.
I can see her clearly now.  She has a lovely face although she has been crying for quite sometime.  She has green eyes that are filled with tears.  It is hard to tell about her facial features, her face is red and puffy and soaked to the bone with tears.
"I can not be without you."  She says to the picture as she places it back on the mantle. 
Slowly she turns around and walks to the kitchen that I can now see that is just behind the couch.
"I will not live without you."  She screams so loudly that the echo seems to go on for quite some time.  She doesn't seem as sad now, she seems more angry. 
The lady reaches into the kitchen drawer and brings out a peeling knife.
"Oh she isn't going to do what I think she is."  I think to myself.
Suddenly she slashes her left wrist and I run to her but it is as if I am running in slow motion.  Before I reach her she has slashed the other wrist and there is blood all over her and is running to the floor.
I try with everything that I have inside to get to her, but I am still in slow motion.
She is now on the floor.  "I will not be without you."  she says again.
I can hear every sound around me and I hear her lungs rattle.  I know that right then she had taken her last breath.
When I finally reach her she disappears.  I am filled with confusion now.  I think that I must be dreaming.
As I stand up, I see my reflection in a toaster on the kitchen counter.  I realize I am that young lady who has just taken her life.
The room is pitch black again.

Twas The Night Before Christmas
Twas the night before Christmas
I sat alone in my house
I shared my dinner with a cute beady eyed grey mouse
Together we ate our meal with no conversation at all
Then I heard a noise, a rustling sound which came from the hall
Could it really be?  Could there be someone to talk to here?
Someone to talk to, someone to share dinner with.  Someone to spread cheer?
I rose from my old wooden chair to have a look and see.
My friendly mouse runs to his family there in the hole I could see
I peed around the hallway that was dark and cold
I saw what the noise was, I t was could wind that the door couldn't hold.
Twas the night before Christmas and again I sat alone in my house
No one to share my dinner with, not even the cute beady eyed grey mouse.

Trees are being put up
Decorated with ornaments and lights
As I try to cheer up
People are busy taking their flights
Flights to see family and friends
Candy and gifts in their suitcases
Some go and with family make amends
Its been years since they seen their faces
I sit in the kitchen in the living room my best friend
She, husband and children decorating the tree
I hope this peaceful easy feeling never ends
They'll never know what they mean to me
They've been so good to me and my son
More than friendship, they are family
My love for them can never be undone
How do I repay them, what they've done for me
All the thank you's could never be enough
One day they will know, yes one fine day
I will repay them and it will be more than enough.

Happy Holidays
Days cold and lonely
Nights cold and lonely
Tired of sitting here in the dark
Think I'll take a ride to the park
Christmas lights, light the sky
They reflect the tear in my eye
Turn the radio on for a happy tune
It plays a sad song and I look at the moon
Look at it as if it could give me a answer
Then I hear "On Dasher, Dancer, and Prancer."
Tis the season to be jolly
Tis the season to hang holly
But for me tis the season to cry more tears
I think to myself "Tis too beautiful for tears"
Tis also too beautiful to be alone
Someone shouts "Happy Holdidays" and I moan
It is not happy to me.
This is not the way it should be
I should be in your arms infront of a fire
Watching time tick away hour by hour
But you are far away and not here
I drive away from the park in fear
In fear that I will never have a Happy Holiday
Just for you I once will say
I hope you have a Happy Holiday.

Sometimes when a person leaves us.
They leave a emptiness inside us.
An emptiness that is like a hole.
Painful and aching is that hole.
We reach out for something to fill it.
To fill it even just a little bit.
I reach out at night to touch you.
But you’re not there, I don’t know what to do.
My mind is clouded with confusion.
Maybe you were only an illusion.
Your touch, your voice and your essence.
Made me always want to be in your presence.
My heart with love it would fill.
But now there is nothing to feel.

Tonka’s in the sand pile

underneath shade trees
deserted by children
like yellow suns hanging on blue sky
colored in books.

Bicycles with training wheels
parked carelessly on graveled drive
puppy pursuing heels of child
joyful innocence; puppy and child.

Tonka’s, bicycles, puppies vanished
from sight like cherished children;
thirstily pursuing life’s delights.
Tonka’s in the sand pile; a beautiful sight.

by Margaret C. Rigsby

As a child I drew my stories.

I tried to express myself
with amateurish and badly drawn images
of big houses that had two stories
unlike our green-tin-roofed-two bedroom house.
My imaginary house sported a green lawn
splattered with trees, a swing that came from a store
and not hung from a tree.

Riding the yellow school bus daily
I was not impervious to the new brick houses
springing up like crabgrass after a rain.
At the time I knew nothing about this-Rocket City
that would put my hometown on the map forever.

The other children made fun of the shingled-house
that I came and went from daily.
Soon I started catching the bus in the new subdivision
amid the brick houses with chimneys that burned wood;
not like the cole-heated pot-bellied stove used
for both heating our house, cooking
and warming water for galvanized tub-baths.

One day it was raining. Not a downpour
but a steady Alabama rain so I rode the school-bus all the way home.
I didn’t hear the heckling
or any of the kid’s voices as the bus stopped
in front of our little green house.

All I could see was smoke rising from the black stovepipe,
steam-covered windows where Mama had pinto beans and cornbread waiting.
I think that was the first time I realized I possessed something more
than fancy clothes, piano lessons and a white four-poster bed;
I came home to a house full of love with two parents, two sisters and
I stopped drawing and started writing.
As a child I drew my stories but now I write.

© Margaret C. Rigsby

“Those Eyes”

As I gaze in the mirror

I see immense chocolate painted eyes

Gazing back at me through the looking glass

There’s a story to be told in those eyes.

Those eyes are filled with so much pain and hurt

It tells the tale of esteem brought low.

A story of how a girl wants to hide from herself

Except she has no where to go

These are eyes that have seen so many disappointments

They have witnessed so many tragedies

They haven’t seen enough triumphs

But more than their share of catastrophes

Could it possibly be

That one day when I look in this mirror

That I will see a sparkle in those eyes.

Because life for me has gotten so much better?

by Yolanda Brown 8/06

What Do I See?
written by Lisa C. Wright

What do I see when I look in a mirror?
Do I see a victim of abuse?
Do I see my flaws?
Do I see my disabilities?
Do I see a cancer statistic?
Do I see a stranger?
I don't see any of these things.
I see a survivor.
I see a creation of God's.
I see talents.
I see God's healing touch in progress.
I see me.
What do you see when you look in my eyes?
I pray that you see Jesus reflected through my soul.

My Diamanté Poem:
written by Lisa C. Wright

colorful, true
showing, standing, remembering
people, places, time, smiles
wondering, reminiscing, questioning
elusive, sketchy

Grandma's Kitchen
written by Lisa C. Wright

Grandma Gibler cranked up her stove to cook yet another delicious meal. She washed dishes by hand using her Joy dish detergent in the yellow bottle which wore a little rick-rack trimmed "bottle apron" that Grandma had made herself.

For meals she cooked countless variations of meat and potatoes, and people knew they would always be welcomed into her drafty old house.

The linoleum was worn through where the welcome mat should have been--silent testimony to the countless visitors who dropped in for food, friendship and fun. They never seemed to mind her thread-bare sofa or miss-matched dishes. They pulled the odd assortment of wooden chairs up around the kitchen table at mealtime and enjoyed the hospitality as if they were members of the family.

I thought of her today as I fussed with Thanksgiving preparations. Would these dishes match the tablecloth? What could I use as a centerpiece? Supposing more company came than I'd expected; would there be enough turkey and cranberries and pumpkin pie? And I really should have cleaned the rug and freshened up the kitchen curtains and...

In my mind's eye I could see Grandma Gibler in her bib apron, matching the the one on the bottle of Lemon Joy. Grandma was welcoming people through that old wooden kitchen door.

I picked up the phone and called our church minister's number.

"Hello, Ed. Is there anyone you know who's alone for Thanksgiving? There might be? Please, bring them with you! See y'all later, Ed."

And then I began to peel a few more potatoes.

Just don't sweat the small stuff!

Maybe, Tomorrow
written by Lisa C. Wright

I’ll try to understand her,
Try to understand the excitement
Behind those piercing brown eyes and
Try to understand her zeal for life;
Tireless energy and love for everyone but me…
I’ll sit down beside her
And get to know this sister of mine.
I’ll get to know the girl I grew up with
And shared a room with all those years…
We’ll share secrets together.
We’ll talk for hours and hours,
And just sit together and laugh…
Oh, she’s much too busy today.
See, she has a family of her own now,
And has no room for me in her heart anymore.
She’s happy to have me gone;
Hoping it’s “for keeps”.
She thinks I’m stupid,
Always asking for love she doesn’t want to give.
Today, she’s too tired.
But maybe, tomorrow,
She’ll tell me she loves me.
She’ll hug me and tell me I’m pretty.
She’ll tell me she’s glad to have me as a sister…
Maybe, tomorrow…
Maybe, tomorrow…

Coincidence…Or a Leap of Faith?
written by Lisa C. Wright

On Leap Year Day (a day signifying a leap of faith), in 1988, I took my mom on a cruise to the Bahamas, with Sawyer Brown (a country band). 
I’d had a broken foot for exactly 52 weeks. 
While on that cruise, I fell asleep on the beach of The Emerald Seas’ private island,
Little Stirrup Cay, one day, and I had a strange dream…
in which I saw a man “walking across the water” toward me…
and when He got up to me, He was Jesus.

“And He said, 'Hear now My words: If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision,
and will speak unto him in a dream.' ” 
(Numbers 12:6)
When I returned home from that cruise, and went to have my usual “every 6 weeks” cast changed (early because of the itchy sand in it) – 11 total, I told my doctor that I’d met Jesus on the beach and that my foot should now be healed because of the sand that got into my cast on the beach where I’d had that dream. 
My doctor thought I'd lost my mind,
but after 53 weeks of being broken
(with no hope of healing, to the point that my doctor,
Dr. Mann, was scheduling a bone graft for me),
however, when he removed that sand-filled cast, my foot
Do you know that Psalms 118 is the middle chapter in the entire Bible?  Psalms 117 is the shortest chapter in the Bible, and Psalms 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible.  There are 594 chapters each before and after Psalms 118.  If you add up all of the chapters, except Psalms 118, you get a total of 1188 chapters…and coincidentally, 1188 (or Psalms 118:8) also happens to be the middle verse of the entire Bible. 

The center verse should have a rather important message, don’t you think?
“It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.”
Dr. Mann (my doctor) couldn't’t heal my foot, for (an entire calendar year),
yet after my dream on that beach, my foot was healed instantly!
Doctor (man)…Dr. Mann…Coincidence?
11th cast being “the healing one” in ’88…
Coincidence…Or a Leap of Faith?

I NEED to tell this story before I totally lose my mind.  It’s such a strong need - a true “calling” from God, Himself, for me to tell this story.  And NO, I’m NOT NUTS…although, I’m sure while reading this, you might wonder until you get to the end.
I believe it was Lily Tomlin who said, “Why is it that when we talk to God, we’re said to be praying, but when God talks to us, we’re schizophrenic?”
As you are reading this, please, keep in mind that God is still speaking to all of us.  The question is, are we still listening?  Advice from godly people is all too seldom sought, but it is highly regarded in the Bible. 
“The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.” (Proverbs 12:15)
What I am attempting to do here, is to share with you some wisdom and knowledge that I’ve learned from my own experiences (my own spiritual journey), and I am welcoming you to write back to me.  Or, even just write a letter to yourself, as that is what I was doing when all of this began.  Then, read it back to yourself in a sort of “outsider – third person sort of way” and you, too, will learn more about yourself, your life, and your own inner spirit, all from a fresher more objective point of view. 

Doing this will enlighten you to the times when God has been, and still is, talking to you, too, and you may want to share what you discover, as well. 
“The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.” (Romans 8:16)
This all began as I was writing a letter to myself, actually, and I titled it, Precious Angelisa*, Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are, subtitled, So, Where’s My Happily Everafter?  I was basically trying to figure out how I'd reached to my current point of desperation and depression and trying to remember when I was last happy about anything at all. 
While I was typing this letter to myself, I was also listening to WSIX 97.9FM (a country music radio station out of Nashville, Tennessee) through my Internet radio, and they were broadcasting an introduction to Tracy Lawrence’s newest CD at that time, “Lessons Learned”.  Tracy Lawrence and I had been very close friends before my world fell apart.  It was so cool to still be able to hear one of my favorite radio stations, 500 miles away from “home”!  Although I was born and raised in North Canton, Ohio, I will always consider Nashville, Tennessee “home”! 
Anyway, one song in particular seemed to hit the proverbial nail right on the head as to what had, and still was happening to me.  This song (track #3, by the way) is titled, (She was Breaking) From the Inside Out, and it’s co-written by another dear friend of mine from Nashville, Lee Thomas Miller.  I wondered if, perhaps, he might’ve written it about me?  It sure did seem to say exactly what had happened to me after my mom (step-mom) died and had told me that she was not my real birth mother.  Neither Lee nor Tracy (both of them were close friends of mine at the time) had known what had happened to me.  I just disappeared.  
* A very dear friend of mine, Mike Whalen, nicknamed me “Precious Angelisa”, by the way.  I didn’t just fall in love with and rename myself this, one day.
The name Lee (also my dad’s middle name…Lester Lee Barth, as well as Tracy Lawrence’s middle name) means “Poetic One”, by the way.  When Lee Miller married his wife, Jana, I was broke, so I gave them my parents’ pair of brass and glass candle sconces as a wedding present.  The first time I met Lee, I was at Douglas Corner Café, in Nashville, Tennessee, to see Bruce Frye’s showcase, and the last time, he was in a band called “Coyote Moon” for which I designed logos.
Well anyway, at this time, while I was typing that letter to myself, and listening to that song, all of a sudden it started to lightning and thunder outside.  The storm just came out of nowhere.  As I was typing, my fingers were just flying on my keyboard, typing out things I seemed to have no control over. 
God, Himself, was actually talking to and through me, and my computer screen was flashing with each keystroke. 
“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.  Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.” (Hebrews 4:12,13) 
And, out typed the words, “Dear All of God’s Children:  My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.  And hereby, know that you are of the truth, and shall assure your hearts before Me.  For if your heart condemn you, God is greater than your heart, and knoweth all things.  Beloved, if your heart condemn you not, then have you confidence toward God.  And whatsoever you ask, you receive of Me, because you keep My commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in My sight.  And this is My commandment, that you should believe on the name of My Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as He gave us commandment.  And he that keepeth His commandments dwelleth in Him, and He in him.  And hereby you know that He abideth in you, by the Spirit which He hath given you.”  (Which is of course, from 1st John 3:18-24). 
I didn’t say it.  It just typed and bold-faced itself on its own through my fingers.  It was then and there, that I prayed to God and asked Him to, please, point me in the right direction. 
“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” (Proverbs 3:5,6)
“In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried to my God:  and He did hear my voice out of His temple, and my cry did enter into His ears.  The Lord thundered from Heaven, and the most High uttered His voice.  For thou art my lamp, O Lord:  and the Lord will lighten my darkness.” (2nd Samuel 22:7,14,29).
And, it was at that exact moment that I began to hear a voice talking to me through my computer speakers…that very instant…an immediate answer to my prayer at that time! 
“Hearken now unto My voice, I will give thee counsel, and God shall be with thee:  Be thou for the people to God-ward, that thou mayest bring the causes unto God.” (Exodus 18:19) 
Coincidence...Or a Leap of Faith? 

A Dragon’s Life – In Search of Home

The ground shakes violently as you hear a very loud roar and scream that would crumble the foundation of any normal cottage. More screams and roars come from a nearby cave as a very large female dragon is giving birth for the first time. Every time she roars and screams in pain, the top of the cave drops many little balls of dirt and rock from the vigorous shakes. The mother dragon, Shadria Dragonfyre, continues to push her first born out into the world as the father dragon, Crimson, looks on awaiting his new baby dragon.

A lot of friendly creatures have come to this secluded cave to witness this remarkable event. Some of the ones who have decided to watch are the little white rabbits, a couple of does, a trio of trolls who came for the refreshments, a clan of gnomes, and a flock of birds as well. Finally, the moment arrived for everyone. One final push was given and the little baby dragon had came out. Shadria cleaned off the little one and discovered that she had given birth to a beautiful baby girl dragon. She decided to name her Krystle Dragonfyre and announced it to everyone around.

Shadria then gave Crimson the honor of holding his daughter and handed him Krystle. As Crimson held his beautiful little bundle of joy, a small fairy suddenly arrived out of nowhere and touched Krystle with her magic wand and made her glow so bright, it lightened the cave. From that moment on, everyone knew that this girl dragon was special and was destined to have a remarkable journey that will change the course of history and the world.

Here in 450 A.D, Planet Earth is beautiful and peaceful in many ways. The trees that sway in the breeze are as full and green as the crisp grass that flows under them. The flowers that add a variety of color and aromas to the different areas of the ground are blooming all over. Birds of many sizes and shapes are chirping while they soar over the tall mountainsides and trees. The water that covers half of the planet is as crisp and clear as Mother Nature could make it. The sounds of the many waterfalls fill the air and make everything serene.

With a planet as beautiful as Earth is, one would tend to believe that life would be filled with peace and harmony, however a few unlucky souls don’t have the luxury to see it that way. In this day and age, some people and creatures as well, have been picked on and have been deemed different and considered by many to be evil.

For instance, Merlin is considered by many to be evil because he uses magic. However, Merlin helps others with his powers and has friends that believe in him. There are creatures that are treated the same way. They are known as dragons and they are considered bad and evil as well. Dragons come in various sizes and colors. Normally, they are gentle creatures that wish to live just like the human race and that is in peace and harmony with everyone else around them.

For years upon years, dragons have been tortured, punished, ridiculed, and even killed because people think that since dragons breathe fire and are very large and overpowering creatures is reason enough that people consider dragons to be evil. However, some people have seen past the many stereotypes of what dragons are and realize that they are beautiful creatures and for the most part just like human beings.

In the little town of Moldan, humans and dragons live together in harmony and peace. Dragons were forced to move from place to place, hiding out in shelters and abandoned towns and this town is one of the last places they have found to live safely.

The mayor of this small and remote town of Moldan - Arariel Shallot, has had her fair share of troubles, as neighboring cities and towns are now discovering that dragons are alive and living in a town with human beings. Moldan has even been banned from annual festivals and monthly street faires that Moldan works so hard every year for.

Arariel makes sure that her quiet little town is a peaceful town by taking care of the few troublemakers that visits the town personally. You could say that she whips and tortures out the disobedience in them and makes them see the error of their ways. She does have a security team that is in place and will help her maintain control in dire times.

Her security team consists of a wizard apprentice that is under the personal training of Master Wizard Merlin. Her name, which is as beautiful as it sounds, is Elizabeth. She is accompanied by a master swordsman that skills are as sharp as his looks. His name is Sean Wesley Youngblood. The final two security members are on the large and tall size. Crimson and Shadria Dragonfyre are a very protective dragon couple with a baby dragon name Krystle that will have a lot to live for when she grows up.

This team has been able to live up to their skill level and take care of many difficult times in Moldan's past, and their strong will to better themselves will overcome all challenges from the neighboring cities and towns that want the entire dragon race eliminated permanently.

Word got out one day a few months later that soon, a grand army headed by a leader to be feared by all, will be coming to destroy the town that believes that all creatures are created equal and this army has set out to kill the dragons and if needed people as well. Once the whole population of two thousand humans and one hundred dragons knew of the rumors that were going around, a town meeting was called to talk of the proceedings and to plan the war that was soon to be laid before them.

After the town meeting, the preparations were underway for the ultimate challenge that faced them, which was survival. The people were stocking up on supplies and food that they could get in town or import from the few towns that had respect for them. There weren't many towns, cities, or villages nearby that were friends of Moldan because of the bad word of mouth that was rumored.

Moldan's finest blacksmiths were busy making weapons and armor for everyone participating in the major battle of the century. Bows and arrows with steel tipped points were made as well as spears and any other weapon they could use in battle.

As time passed as it took seven long months for all of the preparations to get set up but the few scouting teams that secretly traveled ahead found out, that the other armies were preparing slowly as well.

The scouting team found out that the leader of the evil army that wishes to destroy the peaceful town of Moldan is none other than Queen Hanna Windhamshire. She is ruler of the biggest town in the whole western area, which is named Tarburia. Queen Hanna has her mind set to want to have everything she can get for herself and is by far, the meanest person you could ever meet.

She brings fear into her servants and fellow townspeople as she sets down very strict rules in her town and if someone doesn't follow the rules exactly how it is written, she will make sure that person is executed on the spot.

She has tried several times with error to rid the planet of the entire dragon race and once she destroys Moldan forever, she will feel that she will have completed her mission and will be able to take over Moldan and surrounding neighborhoods and villages.

Queen Hanna Windhamshire has convinced other towns and cities that the town of Moldan should be considered a disgrace because it is friends and lives with dragons and she will stop at nothing to see that the town of Moldan is wiped off the face of Planet Earth.

Little does Queen Hanna know that there is another city that has more power than she does. This large city has numerous neighboring cities and towns behind it. She hardly mentions it or talked about this city because she fears that she will lose what supporters she has. The city is named Victoria and is ruled by a brave man named Lord William Hearthsire.

Lord William Hearthsire has ruled Victoria for decades and has friends in high places. He also knows the right people to talk to who have also given him information about how Queen Hanna has been planning a major battle against the town of Moldan that he has total respect for. So as she prepares her troops, Lord William has secretly been sending Moldan supplies and Lord William Hearthsire has also been preparing troops of his own to help Moldan escape and ambush Queen Hanna's troops from behind.

Eight short months quickly pass by as all parties involved in this major event that will change people's lives forever. The three armies which consist of Lord William's, Mayor Arariel's, and Queen Hanna's, are all completing their preparations and setting the stage for the biggest battle this country of Aquaria has ever seen. Once each army feels that they are ready for it, the three armies wait for each other to make the first important move.

Days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months, and months turn into four long years, as the three grand armies are on full alert. Queen Hanna's army is just outside the town of Moldan watching the army of Moldan closely while Lord William's troops are waiting outside the town of Grandiville which is on the outskirts of Moldan and very close to Queen Hanna's army. While the first move has yet to be made because no one wants to make the mistake of going first and leaving them wide open for an ambush.

Finally, Queen Hanna couldn't wait any longer and sent in her troops, in the wee hours of the morning before the dark of night turn into the light of day. They attacked the town of Moldan while they were sleeping and took out one third of Mayor Arariel's troops. As they were franticly trying to build a comeback, Lord William's troops were waiting and decided that this is the appropriate time to strike.

Lord William sent in his troops and attacked Queen Hanna's troops and caught her off guard. With Lord William's troops and Mayor Arariel's troops, Queen Hanna was pinned from both sides. Her troops were becoming diminished so much that she brought out her last hope of winning the battle, which was her wizard apprentice Nemesis Windshire. However Nemesis Windshire was no match for the skills that Elizabeth possessed.

Nemesis and Elizabeth was battling back and forth as Queen Hanna's troops were diminishing. Elizabeth matched every spell that Nemesis could cast; Elizabeth would send a spell once more at double the speed as the first. Nemesis couldn't withstand the punishment that Elizabeth was displaying, so Nemesis gave up, knelt down on one knee and surrendered to the better wizard apprentice.

Queen Hanna decided that she wanted to hurt Mayor Arariel where it would leave her helpless, so Hanna decided to send the final remaining troops to attack the dragons. The troops started to launch their cannons at the dragons and the dragons started to die rapidly. Out of the one hundred dragons that populated the town of Moldan, seventy-five of the gentle giants were killed by Queen Hanna's troops and used their scales as shields.

Luckily for the surviving dragons, Lord William's troops were able to see this massacre take place and stop it before it got any worse by eliminating the final remaining troops of Queen Hanna. She still insisted on fighting till the death of everyone that stood in her way and Hanna killed three more of Mayor Arariel's troopers, when a dying dragon happened to fall her way and landed on top of her, crushing any chance of Queen Hanna ever achieving victory.

After the battle came to an end, it came time to clean up the wreckage. Survivors of Mayor Arariel's troops and Lord William's troops started to help pile up the bodies of the newly deceased. The lifeless bodies were then taken to an area away from the town of Moldan to where they could be properly disposed of. Out of the one thousand seven hundred of Mayor Arariel Shallot's troops and of the four thousand six hundred of the troops that Lord William Hearthsire lead into battle, two hundred and fifty of Mayor Arariel's and two thousand three hundred of Lord William's survived the battle. None of the seven thousand eight hundred of Queen Hanna's troops survived. Five thousand of the troops were burnt to a crisp when the dragon troops sent a wall of fire and roasted Hanna's troops on the spot.

Lord William Hearthsire and Mayor Arariel Shallot begin to assess the situation of whether or not, it would be a good idea to rebuild or to find a new home. Elizabeth came over to Lord William and Mayor Arariel and started talking about how with Master Wizard Merlin's help, the remaining townsfolk of Moldan and the remaining number of dragons could go in search of a new home which would lead them away from Planet Earth.

Master Wizard Merlin could come up with a way to make sure that the town of Moldan would experience safe travel, especially since it would mean that it would involve leaving Planet Earth and finding a planet that would be safe to inhabit themselves. Merlin could cast a spell that would shield the people, the dragons, from the ozone layer of Planet Earth and allow the people to ride on the backs of the dragons as the dragons were given the ability to fly through space.

Lord William Hearthsire would take the remains of the town of Moldan and create a shrine in honor of the brave souls that gave their lives to give the town of Moldan a chance to survive. Lord William also helped Mayor Arariel and her remaining townspeople with supplies and support in getting everything they need to survive the long travel.

Two short months went by as the final preparations were being completed. Elizabeth finally completed the magic skill test and overcoming the challenges of using magic in the battle, so Master Wizard Merlin was honored and gave a big ceremony for Elizabeth and also the great rank of being named Master Wizard.

Queen Hanna was buried in her town of Tarburia under a small oak tree on a large hill, while her grave site was large and well built in honor of her, no one came to visit her or even placed flowers on her gravestone because of all of the grief, heartache, and fear she placed in the hearts of her townsfolk.

Master swordsman Sean Wesley Youngblood was able to better himself in what is now called the battle of dragon mountain for it is there in which the final moments of the battle took place. Sean perfected his fighting skills and is now said to be even more of a ladies man than even before. He even has to make special appearances for the ladies that want to meet the man that saved the town of Moldan and the dragons as well.

Mayor Arariel took time out of her schedule of preparing to leave Earth, to hold a ceremony to honor the many lives of her fellow townspeople and also the dragons that gave their lives in search of peace. Lord William Hearthsire did some research and discovered that there was royalty in Mayor Arariel's family history so he thought that it would be right to give the honor of announcing that Mayor Arariel Shallot should now be known as Queen Arariel Shallot. However Arariel didn't like the title of Queen, if she had to choose a title to represent her, she would like to be considered a true lady and be called what the ancient people of France called a respectable lady which is known as a mistress. So it would be now known as Mistress Arariel Shallot.

After the preparations were completed and the ceremonies were given, it was time for the final good-byes for everyone. Lord William Hearthsire gave Mistress Arariel Shallot a warm hug and a kiss on the top of her hand in respect. Master Wizard Elizabeth gave warm thanks to her mentor and teacher Master Wizard Merlin. Master swordsman Sean Wesley Youngblood was signing autographs and getting kisses from the young ladies that thought he was the sexiest man alive.

Finally, the protection spells were casted and the remaining people of the former town of Moldan, took off on the backs of the dragons as they left the somewhat peaceful surroundings of Planet Earth in search of a new home. Once they got out of the Earth's atmosphere, they started the long and tiring task of finding a place to live. Luckily, Master Wizard Elizabeth was able to learn a new spell and create a passageway to the other side of the galaxy.

After it seemed like several years had passed while space travel goes beyond time and space, so when it seems like a few days or months have passed, it has actually been years. The townsfolk and dragons would find spots in nearby planets to rest from time to time. Some of the planets that they visited were either too hot or too cold or not suitable for their needs.

Eight long years had passed and they have travel what it seemed like millions upon millions of miles and the people of the former town of Moldan were starting to give up hope of a place to live. Krystle Dragonfyre noticed a planet out of the way as they were flying around and it looked beautiful. The rest of the group decided to investigate the planet further to make sure it was suitable enough for their needs.

The water was as clear as a new star shining on a clear night. The skies were as blue as the heart of an ocean. The trees, plants, and grass were as green as the shine of a freshly cut emerald. And the air was as fresh and clean as a newly born baby. They gazed across the plains, hills, mountainsides, and valleys; they were pulled into the peaceful harmony of this planet.

With oceans as far as the eye can see and mountains high enough to touch the clouds, the planet was as serene as it looked to the town of Moldan. They thought it was almost heaven like, so that is what they decided to call their new home - Heavonia. Heavonia was to be the place they would call home and start a new life in peace and harmony.

It would take several years to build the town to what it was like on Planet Earth, but with the natural resources that the environment of Planet Heavonia provided them, the newly re-created town of Moldan would be spectacular and grand. The town of Moldan has finally discovered their dreams and is living their lives happily.

Mistress Arariel Shallot and her group of followers would face new challenges of living and populating a new planet and getting used to the new climates and the birds and animals that were already on Planet Heavonia. Life here on the serene planet of Heavonia would be full of new ways of living, new species, and newcomers to the planet that would come about once word got out that a new planet was being developed and becoming a nice place to stay.

So the town of Moldan is now home and life is good for all of the townspeople. With the new people that will come to the planet soon, there will be further adventures for the Mayor and Ruler of Planet Heavonia, Mistress Arariel Shallot and her group of followers. Bold and difficult adventures that will test all of the townspeople's skills to their fullest level and that will make the planet of Heavonia the best place to live.

Until the next adventure begins....



"Immune to It"
Immune to the heartaches
Immune to the pain
Immune to all in my life
That sheds so much rain
Immune to the hurts
Immune to the fears
Immune to the endless
Flow of tears
Immune to the deceptions
Or whatever else I can think of
But how can I become
Immune to the One I love?
by Yolanda Brown

Immune To It

Strength and Courage
Are both lost in fear
Slowly being disabled
Year after year.
With Faith and Love
Believe this true,
God works in all
For the good of you.
So be strong
And trust in God,
Though it may be hard
Though it may feel odd.
Endure the trial
And find out soon
Through the struggle
You've become immune.
Immune to fear
Immune to disbelief,
Through the love of God
You have found relief.

Karen Morris

Now this is a summer
like the Julys I remember
on barefoot backroads
watching the heat rise
shimmering skyward
from the field grasses.
No one moves around much
and everybody prays for rain.
© JA  July 2006

Look in the mirror and write a poem or short story about one of my

Like a cat
they stare back
from the reflection
In my mirror.
Daddy called me
by the name.
I look deeper;
I never knew if it
was the color
or part of my given name
but his were
as green as mine.
In the sunlight
people become fixated upon them,
mesmerized by the
clarity of color
as pupils expand and contract.
I wonder if that is all they
see, my best feature
or what lies beneath the surface?
They miss the person
as they sink into my emerald eyes
becoming one with the cat.

mc rigsby 8/4/06

Toby was excited as she got off the plane.  The glorious lights of Vegas always mesmerized her.  She was to meet her party in the airport restaurant.  Since she had met him online, and visited him twice, she could only recognize him by his hat.  Walking in the restaurant, she took her sunglasses off and glanced across the room.  Not seeing him, she went to the maitre'd.  My name is Toby Hendrix, I was supposed to meet my party here.  Have there been any messages for me?  "Yes madam" he said.  He handed her a card. " You are to follow these instructions and they will lead to your party,"  "You can go through the red door there he pointed.  Puzzled, Toby said thanks as she picked up her luggage and headed to the door. As she opened the door, it was quiet.  She was in a big room which had sheer curtains that led down the hall.  Looking at the card, she was supposed to find a blue door handle and open it.  Stepping through that door, she found herself in a jungle type atmosphere. There was a big tree and as she leaned back to look at it, she found him.  "Hey he said, welcome.  Come to the ladder and climb up it.  We will have the ceremony here.  Smiling, Toby took her shoes off because she was always up for a challenge.  As she started to climb, she notice that her hands looked like they had aged to someone twice her age.  By the time she reached the middle of her tree, she felt her body sagging and by the time she reached the top she was walking with a cane.  The groom was standing there motioning for her to look at the mirror.  When she did, she seen that she had aged very quickly.  You see as she was climbing the tree, she had aged.  After she got to the top, the image of both bride and groom was how they would look when they hit their golden years.


        "I Am Not A Waitress"
She worked at a diner just off the interstate. Thanks to the many tourists and truckers who stopped there she made fairly good tips, much more than just minimum wage when combined with her paycheck.
She usually loved her job, meeting new people from all over the world all the time. But there was one man whom she could not bear to be around and that is because he insisted on calling her a waitress.
Time after time she would tell him "I am not a waitress" and then explain that they were called servers now. Yet he still called her a waitress. What's more, this man never left a tip, he would order a huge meal and never leave even so much as one dollar.
One day she asked him why, after all the months of great service she had given him, that he never left a tip. His reply was, "Your not a waitress and I'm not a customer" He could see she was confused so he explained, "You see, when my wife was alive she was a waitress and proud of it, but since your not a waitress then I guess that just makes me a non-customer who comes in to eat a meal everyday so I don't feel the need to leave you a tip."
After that she allowed that one man to call her a waitress and he began leaving her a tip, he turned out to be very generous actually, instead of just a dollar or two he would leave her anywhere from five to ten dollars.

The wedding date was set for September 2nd, 2001. It was Labor day weekend.
So far everything was going great, then the groom started to feel kind of sick. He looked like he was out of it, almost as if he had gotten wasted.
But after the ceremony everything was okay again for a while, the couple opened their gifts and thanked everyone.
It had been a beautiful wedding, held outside in their garden with the reception being held in the same place. Kids were running everywhere, hyped up on the sugar from the cake and ice cream plus the sodas they had consumed.
Slowly everyone started to leave, some of the people had come from a few hours away and needed to get back. One couple stayed to drink some champagne with the newlyweds, then an old friend of the groom showed up and he stayed long enough to drink a glass of champagne too.
The bride was starting to get a bit worried, they were supposed to drive up to the mountains to go camping for their honeymoon but the groom seemed intent on getting drunk. Finally the last couple left and the newlyweds prepared for their drive up to the mountains. As soon as they got to their campsite and set up the tent and everything the groom opened up another bottle of champagne. Now the bride was getting very worried, she knew how he mean he could be when he got drunk.
Sure enough, when the bride saw a huge spider crawling toward their dog and tried to get their dog away from it the groom took the opportunity to start in on his new bride. He called her names and kept at her until finally she had enough and went to bed by herself.
Around two in the morning the groom woke up with a terrible headache and feeling sick, the bride felt no sympathy for he had done it to himself.

The Sanctuary of Silence

I revel in silence where no words are spoken,
A place to be whole---not fragmented or broken.
For when I am silent, there is rest for my mind
And such peace that only those who are quiet can find.
It's a language so soft and yet so clear,
That only those willing to listen can hear.
A place where fantasy and reality meet
And burdens from the past would not dare to compete.
A place where I can be focused and free,
Yes, a place to finally find the real me.
There is such a place with no tremors of violence.
This place that I speak of is my Sanctuary of Silence.

~~Christi Ray~~

Courage Found

A crusty piece of bread lies molding on a shelf,
Evidence of neglect from days gone by.
Unfinished business awaits each beck and call
While babies' cries and lullabies ring through threadbare halls.
The shackles of a world filled with empty, idle threats
Finally burst in frustration like the webbing of a net.
Freedom pushes through to the surface worn with pain,
And a lonely person finds the courage to live again.

~~Christi Ray~~


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