October 2006 Submissions
Monthly Submissions
My Mark on the World
by Meredith Rothenberg © October 29, 2006
Life ain’t fair and everybody knows it. It ain’t written in stone or nothin’ but everyone knows it’s true. It’s what they call a “universal truth”.
See this door here? It’s a freaking bloody mess. Cops come first and usually there’s a body, alive or dead don’t matter, they come to find out what happened and who did it. Then the crime scene guys come. It’s their job to find out how it was done, what ever ‘it’ is that day.
If they find the perp, if they don’t, if they have a trial or don’t, sooner or later they do what is called “release the scene”, which is just a fancy way of sayin’ they don’t need to comeback, they got all they need.
Now here’s the real kick in the pants, all of them cops, detectives, crime scene guys comin’ in and out of your home and do any of them clean up the mess? No. They leave the cleanin’ up to the home owner, like they haven’t suffered enough right? Like moppin’ up their loved one’s blood and all that black finger printing dust is their idea of a good time. Well it ain't. That’s where I come in. My name’s Carl and I clean up crime scenes. The problem now is, that’s my blood down there and without me there to help her, my wife’s a wreck.
Look at her down there in the dark, curled up on my old lazy boy like a baby in its mother’s arms. She ain't moved since she got back from the hospital. That’s her sister there on the couch, same banana curls in her naturally auburn hair, same green eyes, just two years age difference between ‘em, my Sara bein’ the younger one.
“Come on Sara, please, you’ve got to eat, its been five days! Carl would never want you to be doing this to yourself.” Joanne is right, if I was there… well it don’t matter what I’d do if I were there, I’m stuck here, in limbo. That ain’t right neither. I seen Ghost, yeah you heard right, I’m secure enough in my manhood to admit I saw the occasional chick flick with my girl, and what I’m goin’ through ain't nothin’ like that movie.
No sittin’ close and watchin’ her, no spookin’ the cat, no affectin’ the real world, none of that. I’m sittin’ up here kinda like on the roof lookin’ down on her, stuck in this damned room. It’s more like them ghost stories you hear about where someone dies in a place and they haunt it, but so far it don’t seem like I can do any hauntin’ either. Just sittin’, and watchin’, no takin’ part in the events.
I guess it’s kinda like my life. Always seein’ what happened but never doing nothin’. At least when I was alive I cleaned up after those who did stuff, here I can’t even do that. I guess death ain't anymore fair then life was.
Maybe that’s why I’m stuck here like this. I didn’t leave any mark in life to say “I was here, and this is what I done”. I didn’t leave squat for people to remember me by. Sure Sara will remember me, but after a while I’ll fade out of her mind, not completely, but not enough of me will stay there to make a difference. Guess I wasn’t good or bad enough to go to heaven or hell so I’m stuck here in this room. That’s gonna suck.
The phone’s ringing again, she won’t answer it, too many callers, it’s overwhelming my poor Sara, they just won’t leave her alone. At first it was mostly friends and family, but now it’s the vultures, news reporters wanting a byline. They want to know if the guy who the cops caught is someone we know, an enemy of mine, a lover of hers. Damned soulless bastards, they should rot in hell. Joanne answers as usual since “that day”. I’m sure glad she came down. They were real close ‘till Jo moved to Philly cause of Grant’s job. Grant’s an ok fella’ too, they got three kids and he didn’t give Jo grief about leavin’ them with him, not wanting to stress out Sara anymore than she already is. He knows Sara’s been on infertility meds for just about a year and has been really down about it lately, he prolly didn’t want to shove the kids in her face, reminding her about what else she don’t got other than me.
“Sara, it’s Manny, he wants to know if its ok for him to come over in ten minutes?” Manny was my partner. I’m glad its gonna be him, not another stranger in our house like she’s been gettin’ all week.
“Yeah,” Sara had to say because Joanne didn’t see her nod.
I’m glad the mess will be cleaned up soon. She won’t leave my lazy boy and that means she’s in here with all this shit, and I know it don’t smell good. The cops caught the guy just under two days after it happened and the CSI guys got him nailed to the scene hard, there won’t be any doubt in the jury, I made sure of that. Knowin’ what I do about how all this stuff works I knew that the guy had to leave evidence, and lots of it. I pulled out some of his hair, fought back hard enough to split his lip and leave his blood, all kinds of stuff like that. If I was gonna go down, I was gonna make damned sure everyone was clear who did it. This mornin’ they “released the scene”.
Another damned phone call, why wont they leave my Sara alone? Joanne to the rescue again, “Sara, honey, you should take this call.” Joanne wouldn’t let just anyone through so Sara agrees and takes the receiver from her.
After a quick greeting Sara gets silent, listening to who ever it is on the other end. I can’t hear who it is and it pisses me off cause I can hear my girl gasp. Damn it Baby! I’m so sorry I ain’t there for you. If I wasn’t already dead, seein’ her go through all this woulda killed me. No! Oh God! Baby don’t cry!
She’s lookin’ at Joanne in the strangest way and without another word hangs up the phone slowly. I don’t think I ever seen that look before.
“I’m pregnant!” She whispers, “We did it JoJo! Carl and I finally got pregnant!”
She, she, my God! My girl’s pregnant! I’m gonna be a daddy! Wait. No. I ain’t gonna be there, my kid won’t have a father.
“Oh JoJo! I can hardly believe it. Just when I thought I’d lost every thing of Carl, I get this wonderful gift, a miracle, our baby!” She looks up at the ceiling, just like she sees me, but she can’t, can she? “Oh Carl, I love you so much, I miss you so much. But I’ll make you proud! I promise! I’ll tell stories of you every day so our baby will know you.”
I love and miss you too Sara, you’ll be a wonderful Mother, the best ever.
Look at them huggin’, I know she’d rather be huggin’ me, but I can see now I ain't gonna fade out of her life, she ain’t gonna forget me, and I did leave somethin’ good behind after all.
Manny’s here, I’d know that “shave and a haircut” knock anywhere. This is great, in a few hours Sara will have the gore of my death out of her life and she can start fresh, hopefully rememberin’ all the good times we had.
He’s havin’ the girls leave, says it’s bad for them to breathin’ the chemicals we use to clean up, and its true, but the real reason we make ‘em leave is so they don’t gotta watch the blood comin up. I swear I don’t know how the two of ‘em sat in that room with the smell, but Sara wouldn’t give up my chair, I guess she traded smell for the need to be close t’ me.
They head out, prob’ly to their mom’s, and Manny brings in the equipment then gets in the space suit, it’s really just a sterile jumpsuit that keeps us clean while we work, but it looks like somethin’ they’d wear on the space shuttle. Workin’ with blood ain’t safe see. He knows my blood is clean, we get tested every 6 months to be sure, but he also knows not all the blood here is mine.
I’m startin’ to feel funny, the fact that I’m feelin’ anything at all is weird too. Peace, calm, even joy. I can’t explain it but I feel so much better about everythin’.
I see Manny washin’ up my blood. I thought for sure I was stuck in that room for good, but I guess I ain’t. How’s this happenin’?
It’s him! Manny! His cleanin’ is releasin’ me, lettin’ my soul drift up and away.
Here I thought I wasted my life, cleanin’ up after people who did things in life, but now I know the truth. I released souls who were stuck in limbo because of their sudden violent deaths. I helped so many souls! I can feel them all, I am becomin’ part of them.
My beautiful love Sara, I’ll watch over you and our child, but now it’s time for me to rest in peace.
A Smoker's Funeral
I'm staring through skin. My skin. I
can see stagnant puddles of
embalming fluid lying on the floor of my veins - the veins that creep
across the inside of your eyelids. This is the skin I am staring
I cannot feel my own body, but I know that I am enclosed somewhere. A
tight place, dark and solid. If this is what I think it is, I am in a
box. The Box. My casket.
I have no feeling in my limbs or torso. I can sense the cold of the
ground around me, but again, I do not feel. What a strange
What is today? Friday. I am supposed to be a work right now. What
has brought me to this place, this prison I am in?
I look through the skin of my eyes and see a crowd above me. My
friends and family, crying in their sorrow. I can hear the voice of
the pastor, sounding out the words of Scripture; speaking platitudes
to the ears of those around me. I can hear him calm the weeping and
comfort those who mourn. I can hear him say my name, in the name of
Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen.
I try to breathe, but of course I cannot. I can feel my lungs lying
flat in my chest and remember the burn that used to reside there.
Ah! That is the answer. The burn and the tar, the smoke and the fire
that was trapped beneath the muscles of my chest, unable to escape to
higher winds. I am here because of my own choices. My own foolish
pride and the desire to fit in. I am here because I am ... was,
I suppose that is no longer a problem I'll be facing. The addiction
and the need to fill my breath with smoke. No longer can I fill that
need. No longer is that dank, dark breath an option.
I am here, lying in this box, staring through closed eyes at the wet
faces of my loved ones, because I am foolish. Because I did not care
enough. Because I could not quit.
By: Sarah Long
Total words: 351
There you stand, death stick in hand
Don’t you see the picture above your head?
What can you be thinking, as you just smoke?
Do you really think nothing will happen?
Don’t you know?
You are putting yourself in an early grave
And yet you stand
And smoke away
Study that ceiling
And learn its lesson
You are going to end in an early grave
Unless you stop this day.
Marie Kathryn Casalaspro
October 18, 2006
Weekly Submissions
If loving me is like breathing, how can
you stop?
Oh dear heart, let me tell you
There are many ways to stop the loving
Stop the overpowering need to be with one another
It could start with the lies you told
To me, about me.
Or the skirts you chased
Or the women you seduce
It could continue with the hurt you cause
Everytime you open your mouth
Your words drive daggers into my heart
Killing me...and killing you.
I could end it now. It would be easy.
To actually stop you breathing
But no. More the torture of continual life
Knowing that you killed us.
If loving me is like breathing...please stop.
-- Anna
[[ Comes on stage. Checks on
things with bartender, then with piano
Finally comes center.]]
Well, there now. I think we're almost ready to begin. But
we are
something… [[pretends to ponder]] Oh! I know! The
sound effects!
We have
a great piano player but we need something a little bit more… will
help? Oh, I knew you would!
Now, let me tell you what I need you to do. There are three people
who need
a bit of sound effect magic when they come on stage.
First, there's pure and sweet Miss Felicity. Oh, you'll know her
when you
see her. She kind of acts like..well..like this… [[ bats
puts hands together near chest like Felicity]] When she comes on
please, will you give her a nice big SIGH or AWWW! Like that?
Here, let's
practice it a bit. Ready?
Perfect! Well done!
Then there's Felicity's beloved, Bob Scratchit. He works for Mr.
Humbug. And
Bob always needs a bit of encouragement. He's…well…he's a good
man. Now
when he comes around, can you help me give him some encouragement?
CHEER? Oh yes. [[ Nod ]] Let's practice that. Ready?
Excellent! I'm really impressed!
And lastly..oh…lastly we have a dastardly man here in old El Paso.
He goes
by the name Ebenezer Humbug. I really can't stand him. And
I don't
you'll like him either. In fact, he even has his own theme music.
piano plays Humbug 'theme' ]] When he comes on stage, I'd rather he
goes right back off of it. Maybe he'll listen to you if you BOO and
him? I bet you're good at that. Let's try it out. Ready?
Oooh..that was good. Can you give me one more snaky hiss?
Wonderful! Just wonderful. Now, I'm the prompter..so I'll just sit
over here. But I'll help you out with the boos and hisses if you
need them.
Alright! We're ready. Welcome to old El Paso and the Olde
[[House lights down, stage lights up, cue Cheyenne ]]
In Hiding
I had a horrid day. My boss gave me a totally impossible task and then expected it to be completed yesterday. My favorite little Bistro had a kitchen fire and was closed for lunch. The coffee pot decided to go on strike and refused to brew the coffee. And then there was a wreck on the freeway and I was two hours late getting home. My roommate, Holly, wouldn’t be home until midnight so at least she wasn’t worried about me.
I went to stick my key in the lock and was really surprised when the door was unlocked. Shook my head and chalked it up to another nasty event in this totally atrocious day. I locked the door, breathed a sigh of relief when I kicked off my shoes and reached in the fridge of a cold fruit smoothie.
That’s when I noticed the message light blinking on the answering machine and punched the button to listen to the messages. The first one was from Peter – my on again/off again boyfriend. I guess we were on again as he wanted to take me to dinner and the symphony on Saturday night. I made a note to call him back. The second call was a hang-up, probably a telemarketer.
I paused the machine when I thought I heard something in the other room. But everything was quiet. I thought I smelled something funny – kind of sicky sweet – but then that was gone too. I turned back to the machine and listened to the third message and froze in my tracks.
“Hello Elizabeth . Did you honestly think I wouldn’t find you? Did you truly think you could hide? Changing your name or residence or job won’t help. I’m coming – soon.”
I hadn’t heard that voice in 5 years, the voice of my lover, my stalker, my worst nightmare. I’d changed my name, faked my death, left my family and friends behind, changed careers, started anew in a new place where no one could find me, where no one knew me. How? How had he done it? How much time did I have?
I couldn’t call the police. Elizabeth Watson, flamboyant actress, was dead – lost in a drowning accident, her body never recovered. Ellen Williams was a quiet, unassuming ad executive whose idea of a wild evening consisted of watching CSI on TV.
I couldn’t just sit here and wait either. But what if he was outside? What if he was waiting for me to run? What ifs weren’t going to protect me. I got my keys and went into the bedroom where I dragged out the large lockbox that contained my lives – old, current and possible future.
I pulled out the little Sig Sauer pistol and loaded it, chambered a round and slipped it into my waistband at the small of my back under my jacket. I took the lockbox, my purse and the small suitcase I kept packed, just in case, and headed for the car.
Thankfully we had a garage attached to our townhouse so I got to the car without being seen by anyone. I had no idea where I was going I just knew I had to go. I backed the car out of the garage and headed down the street, checking to see if anyone was parked there or if anyone was following me. I didn’t see anyone, but I knew I could not relax my vigilance.
About two blocks from home I saw him pull out from the curb behind me. His lights were off, but I saw him in the glow of the street light on the corner. I felt my heart beat increase and my hands were shaking as they griped the steering wheel. What to do? Where to go? I couldn’t go to Peter; I couldn’t risk his life where Jason was concerned. Jason was crazy, but he had always been careful to make it all look like it was my fault – like I was the stalker, like I was the one after him.
The driver behind me kept his distance, pacing me. Letting me know he was there, but giving no reason to panic me – I had enough reason for panic. I turned onto the freeway and headed north. He entered the freeway also. There was fairly heavy traffic and I thought maybe I could lose him, so I speeded up until I was going nearly 90 mph.
To my horror I saw him pacing me – right beside me in the left lane. He looked over and smiled that nasty smug smile I hated so much. It made my blood boil and I refused to let him think I was afraid. I took the next exit, slowing only enough to negotiate the curve at the top of the hill. He hadn’t anticipated the move and his car shot north on the highway. I smiled smugly and headed out to find a motel for the night. Before I’d gone a mile he was there again. I don’t know how he found me, but he was there.
I started to speed up; I took turns erratically; I finally found myself on a lonely rural road. I was totally turned around and had no idea where I was; except he was right behind me and closing in fast. He was going to ram me. I just knew it. I braced myself for the impact, but I still was not prepared when it came. I tried to maintain control of the car, but I couldn’t, he was pushing me, driving me to the edge. He was going to push me off the road – and – Oh My God – over the cliff.
I heard myself scream, and then I heard Holly’s voice, “Ellen, wake up, please Ellen, wake up!!”
I could still feel the horror, the fear, but I could feel Holly’s hands shaking me, and I heard other voices in the background, men’s voices and other women. What was going on?
I forced my eyes open but everything was a blur.
“Oh Ellen, thank goodness, we thought we were going to lose you.”
Holly was holding my hand and I was laying on the sofa in our living room. I had no idea how I’d gotten there – I had a horrible headache and when I reached up I had bandages around my head.
“You have a very large knot on your head and a gash that is going to need several stitches.”
“What happened? How’d I get here? I was driving my car, trying to get away from a lunatic and….”
“I got home about 45 minutes ago to find the front door open, the entire house tossed and you in a heap on the floor over by the telephone. You were bleeding and unconscious. I totally freaked, but I did remember to call 911 and the police and the crime scene people are here now. What happened?”
“You’re asking me?? I remember coming home – the door was unlocked, but I thought it was just another horrible event in a horrible day - maybe not. The last thing I remember is listening to my phone messages and then running away because of the third message – he said he was coming for me.”
“That’s odd Ellen; there were only two messages on the machine."
Maiden Fair
thing between us
is difficult to fathom
It shouldn't be yet
it won't stop
This thing between us
makes me go on
reaching for stars
where there are none
This thing between us
makes you think
of me even when your thoughts
should be elsewhere
This thing between us
will never stop
This thing between us
can't be fought
This thing between us
is what keeps me alive
You're five years old. There is a lot you need to know. Plenty you wonder about and a surprising amount of joy to look forward to! Dawnie will always be your best friend! Yeah, the tall blonde girl you sit next to in class right now. The two of you will be inseparable. She will also introduce you to a group called UB40 – they will end up being your favorite band. Don't worry, Frankie [Sinatra] will still be your favorite performer.
It will never be easy for you growing up in that house. Freedom will be worth waiting for! Your day will come, I promise. Beast will try to break your spirit but you will never let her! Listen to grandpa. He will tell you repeatedly how smart and beautiful you are. He will never call you the "C" word [crippled]. Instead, he will tell you "You are as beautiful as the Mona Lisa, sweetheart! A priceless work of art!" Then you'll sit on his lap, sing Nat King Cole songs, eat pizza and have a vanilla cone with rainbow sprinkles from Dairy Queen. Later on you'll watch the Yankees game together. He will always dry your tears and keep your secrets safe. Enjoy every one of those moments. They are absolute treasures.
Longing to be "normal" is something you will grow out of. In a few years, actually. You will realize normal is boring and you have a very distinct personality which would not be able to truly shine if you were "normal." Those operations hurt, I know. They will not be less painful as you grow up, but you are the 'brave little soldier.' You will come through them all and act like it was nothing.
At age nine, you will lose all respect for Dad. I'm sorry -- so very sorry he won't believe you. That will be a pattern for different reasons, throughout your life. You will be better off though. Everything happens for a reason. No matter how confusing it is. You will learn from this. You will see him for the man he really is.
In school, you will excel! You will teach yourself the piano, alto saxophone and clarinet. You'll sing your heart out! Yes, you can act on stage there and even in the Poconos! Your humor will be a necessity. Most importantly, you will learn to stand up for yourself. Though there will be a lot of turmoil, you will meet many people who will have a tremendous impact on your life.
At age fourteen, you will convince mom to get you set up on the Internet. You will never expect to find love on there, only friends and you will make many friends. But at age eighteen, you will find love too! It will be one of the best things to happen to you! Dad will fight you every step of the way over it, but you will stand by the man you love. You're still with him today! Grandpa approves of your relationship though and he gets to meet him before you and mom move to Texas! It makes him smile to see how happy you are.
At the start of this letter, I said grandpa will remember you no matter what. Well, he will get sick. He will start to forget things. But when he talks to you on the phone or sees you at home, he will ALWAYS remember you! That will comfort you a great deal.
One last thing before I end this letter. You may never get to have a family in the way you imagined, but it's alright. You will still get to have a very loving family. You will fill your life with joy, love and laughter all the time. That's how a family should be. That's how your family WILL end up being. There are many things I didn't say. More things that I don't even know yet! But no matter what, you will get through everything life has to offer – and you will be rewarded.
The Mask
Couldn’t let them see inside
Had to wear the mask
Her true face couldn’t show
Hide it behind the mask
Little by little
She let pieces go free
Yet hiding in her insecuries
Could let them see
Then one night it happened
When with the ones she loved
The mask fell off
She just wanted to hide
The voices in her head cried out
You aren’t as good as them and you never will be
Run fast, run now
They can’t love the one that is showing
She cried, her eyes flooded with tears
Till one by one she felt their arms around her
Their voices speaking words that weren’t playing in her head
Showing her what they saw
She knelt there, truly humbled by their words
The mask she’d wear no longer
Only remembering their words of love
Marie Kathryn Casalaspro
September 6, 2004
Mary Jo
Sitting on my bed, confused, I wonder what happened the night before. I hadn't gone anywhere, even though it was a Friday night. I hadn't even had a date with my wonderful husband in a year. At least since our last anniversary.
"I don’t have time to think about this right now." I replied softly to myself. I placed the key that I held tightly in my right hand, into my jewelry box. I was disrupted by the dulcet tones of my 3 young children waking up for another day.
Forcing the thought of the key out of my suddenly active mind, I went down to stop the squabble between Adam and Marie. Then to start breakfast. I quickly told Adam to leave his 3 year old sister alone. Ignoring his normal, 6 year old protests, I hastily made a bottle for my youngest. Emily was 3 months old, and demanding her release from her crib. A typical day in the life of a stay-at-home Mom. I thought fondly that would not have it any other way. Smiling I began the daunting task of getting all children ready for the trip to the store.
Coming back from the store was just as much the fiasco as it was inside the store. The key was still pressed firmly to the forefront of my mind. The children had called for every bit of candy, and snack imaginable. It was finally time for naps, after a stop at their favorite fast food for lunch, of course. Adam went to his room to play quietly. Marie to her room for some sleep, and Emily had fallen asleep in the car. I laid her in her crib, softly, and went into my room.
I shut the door quietly and walked across the room
. I took the key out of my battered old jewelry box, and turned it in my hand. I didn’t like the thought that someone was in my house, at night, just to put a key in my hand. I also couldn’t understand why I didn’t wake up. Pushing that thought from my mind, seeing as how no real harm had been done, I concentrated on what the key would open. It was a strange key. I have never seen its equal. It had an antique look to it. But it was also new."No clues there," I whispered to myself, a little frustrated, but intrigued none the less. I looked around my room. I looked for footprints on the floor. I saw none but my husband, Lee’s footprints on the old carpeting. I thought to myself, “He must have left those when he left for work this morning.” It had to wait, it was time for the afternoon festivities to start.
Placing the key in my pocket, I allowed the two oldest to go outside and play in the back yard. I waited inside for Emily to get up from her nap. I let my mind wander to the metal key again. My imagination worked over time. Maybe whomever put the key in my hand the night before had scraped the floor to cover their tracks. I went back to my room to check it out. It wasn’t much help, since I had vacuumed the day before, then walked on it this morning. I had to find a note or something. If it were Lee who left it in my hand, he would leave a note.I checked the dresser, side table, our bathroom. Everywhere. Nothing. Finally I checked the kids to make sure they were ok. My mind settled down when I saw them having a leafy fight. I yelled for Adam to take it easy with his little sister. I made my way back toward my bedroom. I stopped for a second at Emily’s bedroom doorway to find her sleeping peacefully.
“Good that gives me a little time to myself to concentrate on this key.” I thought as I quietly made my way back to my room. I laid down on my bed, sideways. I looked at my beautiful new pillow cases. I had gotten them as a gift last Christmas from my Mother-in-law.
Suddenly, I saw it. The clue I had been searching for. Under Lee’s pillow was a small corner of a piece of paper. I pulled it out. I read it. It had few words. “I love you, always, and in all ways.” A simple message. Even one that I already knew. It was nice to hear it again. I knew that Lee had left it for me. I took it further, that maybe HE had left me the key. Yes, he was the only one with access to our room in the middle of the night. That would also explain why I didn’t wake up.
“That sly man. I love him dearly, but he is a sly one.” I said out loud.
“Would that be me? Or some other man you would have hanging around your beautiful self.” I jumped about a foot off the bed.
“I was waiting for the kids to get done playing outside, and wondering what you wanted to do for dinner.” He said softly.
“Oh, I don’t know. To be honest, I haven’t thought about it all day.” I replied.
“Well, Mom said she would watch the kids. I thought I could treat you to dinner and a movie.”
“Sure, why not. Let me get them ready.” I said, distractedly.
He said, “You get yourself together, let me take care of the kids, and get them ready.”
I kissed him passionately. “Have I told you how wonderful you are?”
“Not today.” He laughed.
I hurried off to the closet. I needed to find my nicest jeans, and sweater.
About an hour later, I sauntered down the hall. I felt happy. All thoughts of the key floating away in exchange for a night alone with Lee. I reached the end of the hallway, greeted my mother-in-law, and said good-bye to the kids. I kissed each one in turn. Then, having held off to the last moment after the kids left, I chanced a glance at my tall, handsome, brown haired, and wonderful husband. He was smiling. I walked my short frame over to meet with his tall one. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and said, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too.” He helped me with my coat.
We went to our favorite restaurant. After we had given our order to the waitress, I looked across the table at him.
“So what is all this about? We only ask your mom to baby-sit the kids so we can go on a real date a few times a year. Our anniversary, and our birthday’s.” I stopped. I just remembered. I stared disbelieving at my husband. “I forgot its my birthday.” My jaw dropped.
“Your right my lady.” He winked at me.
“So you left the key, and the note this morning for me to find.” I concluded.
“I always knew you were smarter than you looked.” He teasingly said. I gave him a playful look. Then remembered I had left the key in my jewelry box, in our bedroom.
“What’s wrong babe?” With a grin playing at the tips of his mouth, he tried to look concerned. I didn’t notice it.
“I forgot the key at the house.” I cried.
“In that case,” he said quietly, “You will want to open this first.”
He handed me a tiny ring box. I looked at him, and took the box. I opened it. There it was, the key.
“I took it while you were getting ready.”
“I wondered why you offered to take care of the kids.”
“So what does the key go to?” I asked after a short pause.
“This,” He said, and promptly pulled out a bigger jewelry box. I gasped. I opened it with the key. I ran my fingers over the velvet. And found another key. This time on a necklace.
“So what does this one open?” I asked.
“It’s the key to my heart.”
And that, my dear friends, was the sweetest night of my life.
Sitting back
Memories play
Thinking back to simpler days
When life was sweet
Each day was dandy
And life seemed like a giant piece of candy
Summers hot
But full of fun
Nothing to worry about
When we were young
Long vacations
Miles from home
Old ice cream
With a hand made cone
Sweet simple memories
Like sweet candy
So wonderful to me
Marie Kathryn Casalaspro
October 19, 2006
You told me loving me was like breathing, so how could you stop?
How you change your mind so quickly?
Your words were like sugar
So sweet and so empty
And now the memory of them
Fills me with nothing but pain
If love me is like breathing, then why are you still alive
And you haven’t turned blue
For love is nothing but a pretty word to you
And nothing more than that
But it wasn’t that way to me
So, if really being in love with me was like breathing
You’ve hidden a huge lie
And now my heart is broken
In the wake of your fib
So, make up your mind
Was loving me like breathing or was it pillow talk?
For it seemed very real to me
And now my heart is torn apart
And yet you walk away
No pain for you
So was it all a lie?
For now I can see
Tick-tock tick-tock
in the quiet still of grief
tears replaced by a numb calm.
The clock on the wall
continues its second by second
move, a reminder that
the sun will rise and set
each day,
while the dead slumber oblivious
to sun or rain or snow
the rest of us labor, laugh, live
our lives
until our clock ticks no more.
by Margaret C. Rigsby
Genta Hughes
I can't stop
Two hearts beating
breast to breast
two souls promising
until death.
I whisper into your ear
our bodies intertwined
"Loving me is like breathing,
or at least that's how I feel."
You nuzzle your warm lips against my ear
"How can you stop?"
I feel a smile curl against my eager ear.
"I can't, can you?"
To breathe is to live and our breathing quickens
as our does our desire for each other.
"I want to breath you, smell you, love you
and I can't stop."
© Margaret C. Rigsby
October 17, 2006
That look
I remember that look;
the glassy-tired look
that sees through dilated pupils.
That tolerant look of acceptance,
I wonder if they see me at all.
Skin stretched over protruding bones
so fragile, I can feel everyone
like one of those plastic skeleton's you study
at the doctor's office.
Hunger ceased and self-starvation set in
as she lies listlessly or stirs wearily
resting on a soft blanket close to me.
Hope has left both of us; she now diverts her eyes from mine.
When do I know with certainty that she just wants
something she probably doesn't even understand
to end? She hides her suffering but my days
of deliberation, sobs for the impending loss have to end
as prolonging her agony is only a selfish human exploitation.
A fight fought fiercely clutching with desperate struggle
to live; the essence of the nature of survival itself.
I can no longer tolerate that look
which both saddens me but tells me to free us both.
by Margaret C. Rigsby
She sat there thinking
She sat there longing
She sat there hoping
praying, fearing...
She sat there watching
She sat there dreaming
She sat there wishing
searching, fearing...
She sat there wondering
quietly, as he looked at her
with eyes not saying
She sat there asking
quietly, if loving me is
like breathing, then
She sat there sighing
quietly.. then how
could you stop
She sat there thinking
She sat there longing
She sat there hoping
praying, fearing...
silently... as he walked away.
bren vidrine
October 11, 2006
You are perfect
because you're you.
Your temper;
your humor;
even the dumb things
you'd come up with!
Through the tears
you made me shed;
the times you made me
laugh til it hurt;
the angry words
you shouted at me;
you were still as perfect as
your hugs and kisses.
I think of you and I know
the only thing not perfect
is that you are not here,
you are gone
But you will always
be with me,
in me,
a part of me...
You are perfect.
~Corina Carrasco
No, this is not about who you might think. I'm not into abusive relationships.
I wrote this about/for my daughter.
“Loving me is like breathing, how can you stop?”
It happened all of the sudden.
One day when he thought things were fine they changed.
The look in her eyes was no longer of love.
What was this look he contemplated?
He figured that it was something that he did earlier.
He decided that it was best like always to just give it time.
And so began his downfall.
He walked into the house, full in hand of groceries.
His woman stood there greeting him dressed most beautifully.
He kissed him before anything else.
He returned the kiss and added a slight tap on her butt.
She blushed slightly and then that's when he saw it.
Those eyes, what was with those eyes?
It happened all of the sudden.
One day when he thought things were fine they changed.
The look in her eyes was no longer of love.
What was this look he contemplated?
He figured that it was something that he did earlier.
He decided that it was best like always to just give it time.
And so began his downfall.
Then he waited patiently.
He had no desire to see the man coming there.
That man had once been the lover of his love.
He even fathered the child under his and her care.
Those things mattered not to him though.
Only his love for her and the child.
It happened all of the sudden.
One day when he thought things were fine they changed.
The look in her eyes was no longer of love.
What was this look he contemplated?
He figured that it was something that he did earlier.
He decided that it was best like always to just give it time.
And so began his downfall.
After an argument between the two, himself and the former lover,
the truth would come out.
She no longer loved him.
How could she even say that he wondered?
Loving me is like breathing, how can you stop?
It was the truth though.
Her eyes spoke it as if it impaled all his being.
His soul wanted to scream from the pain he felt then.
It happened all of the sudden.
One day when he thought things were fine they changed.
The look in her eyes was no longer of love.
What was this look he contemplated?
He figured that it was something that he did earlier.
He decided that it was best like always to just give it time.
And so began his downfall.
The truth he would learn was one of the harshest experiences
that he would have to face.
The woman the he proposed to, had been engaged to,
the same one that told him she loved him
had just let him go.
That day he would have rather faced a thousand deaths,
any amount of physical pain would have been
better than what he felt.
Physical pain can be defended against, but the anguish of
the soul could not.
It happened all of the sudden.
One day when he thought things were fine they changed.
The look in her eyes was no longer of love.
What was this look he contemplated?
He figured that it was something that he did earlier.
He decided that it was best like always to just give it time.
And so began his downfall.
I Was Never
I was never wild
except about you
I was never happy
until I met you
I was never whole
but I am with you
With you, I laugh
wildly, joyously
With you, the pain
is dulled, forgotten
With you, the broken
is renewed, mended
I never wanted to be wild
I only wanted you
I never wanted riches
I only wanted you
I never wanted eternity
but I have it with you
~Corina Carrasco
A Sight to Behold
Sitting on the porch waiting,
purse in lap,
package under arm.
Smiling in anticipation,
feels like going on a date..
Hoping he didn't forget.
Do the neighbors see
I am just sitting here.
Dogs running around,
funny how they play,
Mock battles ensues
then one gives up
and on the back it goes.
A truck arrives.
Tall man steps out,
walking to the gate.
Smiles appearing
opening the package.
Taking it with gratitude.
Can you use this?
The man opens the door for her,
then gets in himself.
Both smiling they set off.
Going to lunch I suspect,
mother and son.
Pink Sunsets in a Verdant Land
instead of Verdant Green)
mists with humidity
wet your face purposely
swiftly falling waterfalls,
from the cliffs happily
violet, and crimson birds
swinging from the trees
songs to echo from the green
beetles and honey bees.
of buzzing beatles)
sinewy, hanging down
lion looks around
licks her babies then
(instead of than
roars within the den
ponds full of antelope, rhinoceros and buffalo
drinking all the while
elephants step gingerly
they wake the crocodile.
graze on thick sweet leaves,
to slither and to tease
butterflies and an emerald sea
(instead of verdant
flowers and fish to please
sunrise with red hot rays
pink sunsets to give off praise
and monsoon rains
create these jungle days
by FlaIsleGirl@aol.com