February 2007 Submissions
"Dr. Hoyt isn't here today," said the nurse on duty. "His replacement, Dr. Clark, will see you shortly. Please be seated.
"But… when will Dr. Hoyt be back?"
"Not before the 25th, in two weeks' time; he's been sick with the flu."
"Dr. Clark," Jordan thought, "but I thought…" She went to sit in the darkest alcove of the large waiting room. "What on earth is he doing here; his speciality is not clinical medicine, it's clinical psychology." Dr. Clark was the very last person Jordan wanted to see. Not today, not ever. In fact, she thought she'd never see him again.
It happened many years ago, when she was a psychology student and he was an assistant to her father, the well-known psychiatrist Dr. Anthony Conran. Dr. David Clark, originally from Edinburgh, Scotland, was on his way to becoming a name in behavioural psychology in New York. Jordan's main interest was in pediatric psychology; she was going to specialize in children's traumatic psychology. Naturally because he was always in contact with her father Jordan and David sympathized and became at one time even thought about marriage. When Jordan found she was pregnant, she waited for a very special moment to announce her wonderful news. That moment never came, for David was often called away to undertake difficult and time-consuming cases with law officers concerning psychopathic killers, and never seemed to be free. In time Jordan was eventually left behind and left more and more on her own to handle the circumstances of her condition.
Eventually Jordan just gave up. She found work as a clinical psychologist with UNESCO and went on short missions not too far from San Francisco, her home base. The stress and constant movement was so rude on her health that Jordan suffered a miscarriage. She was bitterly disappointed but in a way it appeared a bittersweet revenge. Now she was clean of all connection with David Clark in her life.
That was some twelve years ago. Jordan never heard from Dr. Clark or came across his name since that time. So what was a specialist in behavioural psychology doing here in this particular hospital service?
"Miss Conran, Miss Conran…" That voice, with its lilting Scots accent, was unmistakable. In spite of not having heard it for a long time, Jordan could recognize it anywhere. Looking up, she saw David's deep blue eyes peering down at her. As he reached to help her up, she quickly rose and crossed the waiting room to the open office door.
No doubt you're wondering what I'm doing here, apparently out of my own specialization. There was no one else to replace Dr. Hoyt, and as I happen to be available, waiting for the new psychiatric service to open, I was asked to take over this office this past week until a proper clinical replacement can be found. After all, I am a medical doctor, too.
"Let me tell you what happened to me ("As if I was interested…" thought Jordan). I spent many years working with law officers and the courts in New York then I returned to Edinburgh when I heard you had left New York for good. There I worked with an imminent Professor of Medicine at the University of Edinburgh and married his daughter. But that didn't work, as she was more interested in my prestige and money than in me. The divorce became final a month ago and I came back to the States, but wanted to avoid New York so I came here to San Francisco. I've been here only a week when I heard a new psychiatric service was opening here in this hospital and needed an assistant behavioural psychologist.
As I have been able to see by your medical records (Jordan quickly looked up and frowned. "What right did he have to look into my private life," she scowled to herself.) I was shocked to see what you've been through these past years. I'm so sorry. I…I was wondering if I wasn't the cause of it all. Before we talk about your medical exams, tell me…how have you really been all these years, have you seen your Dad?"
Jordan wanted to scream at him "So what do you want now…forgiveness, kiss and forget about the past and all those special feelings?" Instead, she took a deep breath and said," It's not been easy, you know, being in the background and then just being dropped and forgotten like a leaf from a tree. You have no idea how I felt, how I felt completely abused and discarded, like an old garment. I've been able to take things stoically with time, and like the Buddhists would say, just let it wash over me and become unattached to the situation. Through my missions with UNESCO in Southeast Asia I've practically forgotten about it…it's the past and over; gone into eternity. My work these past years has been the best therapy I could have ever wished for and it helped in a very considerable way get over the worse of everything."
"Dad is fine. I have been working with him until just a few weeks ago in New York, but I left because I found life there too artificial. I returned here the first of this month and have been looking for work since. In the meantime, I decided to go through my annual check ups in this hospital to pass the time."
David smiled, showing even white teeth. "Let's get down to your exams. You'll be very happy to know that they are all negative and you've been given a clean slate. You are now considered completely cured of your breast cancer. I wish you knew how much this news makes me feel so much better for you. I haven't been able to forgive myself for what I've done to you. I hope you'll not hate me for it."
"You know, I don't hate you now, David. I just don't have the ability to hate someone who, through no control of his own, was able, in letting me go, allowed me to find my true mission in life. I don't think I would have ever found it if I wasn't left out, if I had stayed with you. For me that was the most important thing in my life and it still is. It's take me some time to say this, but I'll say it now right in front of you: you're forgiven…let the past be gone."
"All right, let's let the past be gone. But what about the future? Will you still be willing to share it with me after all you've been through?"
Jordan thought for a moment, then said, "Let me think on it; I need first to concentrate on finding myself a stable job. After that, I'll know where
~ The Writer's Block ~
Time is running out
though I'm overwhelmed by
the nature of the beast
that lays in wait
while I rush frantically
while inside dying....
I don't think I can make it
I've come so close
yet I still have so far
to go
Or so it seems....
My mind is filled with
I've a blank
and I cannot think
While the paper in my hand
remains devoid of
And soul....
While I've nothing to say
I simply cannot go on;
This path is complete
...though I am not....
© Christina
Romeo and Juliet, we all know the story
The Writer
Birth Mother Call
I met my birth mother today
I really didn’t know what to say.
It seemed she didn’t know as well
And we sat on the phone waiting to tell
Each other what was on our mind
But neither of us able to find
The right words to use
To say what we choose.
The written word we both felt
Is far better for how we dealt
With complex emotions.
We go through the motions
When speaking is needed
We both feel defeated
But written is better
We both are unfettered
And can speak with ease
For all of our needs.
What the letter will show
I am unable to know
But I hope that its part
Of a wonderful start
To a friendship that started
When we were parted.
Weeping Rose
the roses were weeping, it had been far too long,
once full of life, now brown and long gone,
I weeped as I watched, the last petal fall
dryness had come, to claim one and all
than, soft as a rose petal, it touched my cheek,
the first winds that blew, as clouds hovered so meek
looking, hoping, my chin lifted to see
what was crying, sighing, bringing breezes to me
a cloud filled with tears, gave a cloudburst of rain
my hands, shy and shaking, reach out with great thirst
I wanted to touch, to feel, this warm scented rain
scented as rose petals close to my face
and falling so sweetly to meet mother earth
storms can be angry, and tear at the sky
but there's rainbows within, and all storms will soon die
so when winds blow up harder, don't loose all your trust
just close your scared eyes, to keep out the dust
as winds cease to blow, look out of your room
for raindrops grow roses, and as storms brew the rain,
there is hope that the roses, will bloom brightly again
watch you leave broke my heart.
I knew it was the last time I would ever see you. That's why I called you
back. Remember that? I called out to you, "Hey!" You
turned and I motioned for you to come back. You walked back toward me and
I could almost feel that you were afraid I might cry or do something that would
make you feel bad or guilty for breaking my heart. Instead, I smiled at
you and said, "Don't ever forget that I love you and I will always be here
for you. Whatever you need, I'm here." You smiled at me, sadly
and playfully flicked the tip of my nose with your finger. I saw the
sparkle in your eyes, almost like before, but sad this time.
You turned and I stood in the doorway watching you walk away from me, out of my
life, but not out of my heart.
~Corina Carrasco
And for those who don't know who Sam Beckett is, he was Scott Bakula's character on Quantum Leap all those years ago. Sam's catch-phrase was 'Oh boy' and every time he used it, you just knew he was in deep doo-doo. lol
Oh boy. *she says in her best Sam Beckett voice*
It’s that time of year again. You know what I mean. That holiday that turns every woman into a gibbering idiot and gives the men a reason to act like one? Little fat cherubs with blushing pink cheeks flying around causing trouble, shooting arrows and crap?
Yeah. That day.
Now, I’m not a scrooge, bah-humbug-get-outta-my-face kind of girl, but then, I’m not Aphrodite either.
Why should your man have to prove to you on one particular day that he cares? Shouldn’t this be an ongoing, daily thing? Or at least weekly? I’d like to think so. I know that if my cowboy doesn’t at least call to say hi every now and then, he gets his butt whupped. But then, he’s another story. This is what kills me…
Why is it that you’ve been seeing this man for eighteen months or so and he often calls just to see how your day is going. Other times, he surprises you with a CD by your favorite artist or a new book you’ve been meaning to buy. And then other times he treats you to a night out or something else equally special. Never anything major, but always enough.
So, why is it you go ballistic when he forgets that one holiday? Or, he does remember but doesn’t go whole hog like your friend’s boyfriend? You just got a card and a nice home-cooked mea that, for once, you didn’t have to clean up. She got diamond earrings and a night on the town.
What you conveniently forget is that her boyfriend never calls. She is the one to plan all their dates. She is the one waiting on him all the time. He remembers her only three times a year – those three events where he’s required to: birthday, Christmas, and this dreaded one.
So, why are you whining?
It’s started here already. People pairing up, or attempting to. The whispers, the secrets, the planning. I hate that my Blake isn’t going to be around, but that’s how it works. At least he won’t feel pressured into competing with these dopes around here, each trying to outdo the other for the sake of one night of fun. We can celebrate later on. Maybe in March. Yeah, that sounds good to me.
But then, he loves to surprise me.
I guess we’ll have to wait and see. Either way, I know how he feels about me and I’ve made my feelings more than clear. He knows that a simple call means more than diamonds or gold. Although, chocolate is always a nice supplement…
Sorry. Mind wandered there a bit. But seriously, when you know and he knows why does it matter so much? Should it? Not to me, it doesn’t. I have my man; he cares, and lets me know it. Do I need all the hype? No. Are presents nice? Hell yeah, but they’re not needed. I’d rather see that look in his eyes when we’ve been apart for too long. Or the smile on his face after an afternoon walking in the park.
That’s what it’s all about.
Was Empty
was empty. The sweet, loving, sensitive man was gone. His eyes were
cold. He was quiet. He missed the cues, saying nothing. He did
not feel anything any more. He was a different person. He was going
through the motions. For the first time in years, she was scared.
As the airplane left the runway she was overcome by an incredible sadness.
She wasn't able to stop the tears that left her right eye and stained her
makeup. Then it hit her... her purpose. She realized that she was
put on Earth to make others happy, not to be happy.
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